How do you visualise your tree as you work on it?

I’m currently a Family Historian user, but I’ve been looking into Gramps, mostly because I really like the data model and how it handles places and names.

However, every time I try to get into it, I haven’t been able to find a good way to visualise my tree. One of the really good features in Family Historian is the “all relatives” chart, which is basically what I work out of most of the time, where I can see all of a person’s ancestors and their descendants (essentially all the cousins) in a way that, to me at least, is very easy to parse. There’s the “all connected” view in the graph view in Gramps, but it very quickly becomes hard to navigate as your tree gets complex.

How do you navigate around your tree? What “view” within Gramps do you normally work out of as you are working on your tree?



I work on my people and families using the Relationships view. It works off of the Active person and will display that person’s parents, siblings, marriages and children. Each of these people and families can be edited from within the view and new people added. Select a new active person and the view will change accordingly.

A more visual view is the addon Graph View. It allows you to set the number of generations up and down from the active person. It also has an All Connected button that brings in connected siblings and in-laws, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles. Individuals and families can be edited in the view. Note: the All Connected is limited to 1000 people.

I use the People view to filter and find a person. Once I make the desired person and make them active person, I will often go the Grouped People view. The Grouped People view has not been filtered. Even though it is working on the same database, each view can be filtered (or not) separately.


I’m usually trying to add missing people in the tree so I work from the End of Line Report. I can use the Chart view to see the connections and who needs to be sourced. By right mouse click on the active person (in Chart view) I can see the list of children or with a couple of mouse clicks I can open the Family view. From the Family view I can open the individuals profile as required. Some like the Relationship view, but to my tired eyes it is too busy for my liking.
There is the Card view which I haven’t tried yet. There are many ways to work in Gramps, you just have to find one that works for you.

All depends on your screen size and how good your eyes are I use Graph
View more or less exclusively but on dual 27" screens one for Gramps the
other for everything else.
If you can turn off the side, top and bottom tool bars and maximise the
window then it works OK also the search function of Graph View is
useful. Otherwise the only View I use is Pedigree

Added a new “tag” for this forum called “thickets” (term based on the book Family Thickets: Deep Family and Local History, about concepts for interconnected trees in genealogy) and tagged several Topics related to visualizing “thickets”.

Personally, I like to use Gramplets to help grok my Tree from a different perspectives.

From the built-in Gramplet List

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I use the Graph View addon. In my opinion, this should be the default view (as in Ancestry, FamilySearch, MyHeritage, and any other tool)

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As the question is “How do you visualise your tree as you work on it?”,
I visualize the tree with default view, that is Pedigree view

I also use the Relationship category, that is not a graph in real.

Those two things are sufficient for work with GRAMPS.

If there is something I can not imagine easily this way, then I export the whole family tree database with “DynamicWeb report” from time to time.
For example, when I want to identify, if a certain relative is a 6C or 6C1R or 7C, etc.
However also those trees in the “DynamicWeb Report” are only pedigree view (showing only ancestors, Ahnentafel) or descendant view (showing only descendants). Or it shows combination of ancestors and descendants.
However it does not shows cousins.

Those are only things I use.
According to your question and according to other comments, after more than 10 years of using GRAMPS I installed the “Graph View”
Yes, you have to install it, if you want to use it.

There is indeed a graph, that can shows first cousins of an active person. You will set it like this in the “Graph View”.
Snímek obrazovky z 2024-09-26 15-31-21

Unfortunately I am quite sure, you will not be satisfied also with with this “Graph View”. Try it. Let us know your thoughts. It is not easy to navigate when there are showing “all connected” people.
Tell us real example with a screenshot, what you want to view and how. Lets see, if somebody can help you with it.

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