No worries. The Addon Manager user docs are all from experience. Its fallback behavior is assumed from other features. We can wait for Nick to finish his holiday for the definitive answer.
We discovered the problem with the Plugin Manager Enhanced through experimentation. And I don’t think the fix ever filtered back to its ancestor, the built-in Plugin Manager. Probably because the Isotammi group expanded their builds of the addons.txt file to cover more languages so quickly… before a bug report was filed for the core.
I’ve tried a few things and found that the problem you describe also occurs for events with text-only dates. In the latest version (v0.1.10), I added a filter to remove events with text-only dates.
I kindly ask you to check if this solves your problem. If not, please provide more information about the event (and especially its date) that is shown with year 0.
Thanks for all your work.
I have tried both ways to install the view (zip and source) and in both methods I get this ‘strange’ message when I restart gramps to see the new view.
Failed loading view
*** No error found. Probably error in file***
(can’t paste the screenshot, sorry)
I am running Mint 22 Wilma and in all other respects Gramps runs well. This the first time I have seen this error.
I am thinking there may be a prerequisite missing somewhere, but you may know better.
Thanks and eagerly awaiting the first non-beta version
Without further information, this will be hard to reproduce and/or debug. Is there any other information about what file might be causing the error? Please check the terminal as well.
If there is no further info: There are three files included when you install FamilyTreeView. In your case, I suggest you remove one of the three files, start Gramps and see if the error appears. If not, restore the deleted file and delete another file. Same for the third file.
Please also open an issue on GitHub or a private message in this forum to investigate this without creating too much traffic in this thread.
This is based on the Graph View addon? It does not require the that addon be installed but needs the same prerequisites to support it, right?
I notice that this plugin registration does not include the Gramps Plugin Registration “requires” attributes. Should they be added?
@Brinycoolie without the Addon Manager checking the prequisites, you’ll need to check those manually. Either by verifying that the Graph View addon view works; or, by posting the results from the Prerequisites Checker addon dashboard gramplet.
I wouldn’t say that it is based on Graph View (did I write this somewhere?) More like: The use of GooCanvas is inspired by Graph View. (I also tried HTML/CSS/JS but this doesn’t work on Windows because webkit is not in the AIO or something.)
Yes, you are right. I missed to include the requirements in the files. I’ll do that soon.
Thank you @emyoulation for the hint. In my manual searches I found that a SVG reprequisite named gir1.2-rsvg-2.0 needs to be installed. Synaptic did the job. So my situation is seemingly resolved for now but maybe we should add a note in the ‘Optional’ section of the prerequisite checker blurb that this file is needed for this particular view.
I suspect that some level of automation might resolve this type of issue at a system level going forward
This might be local to linux mint because I have never seen it in Ubuntu 22.04, 20.04 and so on.
I just pushed added the gi module requirements to the Is there a way to check if it works? (I don’t have a system without a requirement.)
For some people, I get a timeline with “age in ~months” which isn’t useful.
What might be useful (for this and other chart views) would be an option to enter an “as-of” date, which would cause the chart to filter out people not yet born as of that date, as well as other events that had not yet occurred, and also default the display to the marriages that were last in effect as of that date rather than the first marriage.
The requirements don’t show in the Windows 10 Gramps FamilyTreeView 5.2.3r1 Addon Manager’s list. But the 0.1.11 view loads after being installed and seems operational. So does the “Children Quick View” quick view.
I’ve just implemented and pushed a new experimental feature (v0.1.14) that allows you to double-click on one end of a connection to move to the other end. You should be able to activate it in the experimentals tab in the config window of FTV. This should make it easier to follow the lines in your…
@kmikkels recently created a Historical Context gramplet which needs to determine a lifespan for the Active Person.
The initial version needed an explicit valid Birth and/or Death date. It had a hard-coded maximum lifespan to estimate if one endpoint was missing.
The next step in the evolution was to use the fallback utilities for the endpoints. And to use the Preferences value for the the maximum lifespan.
Then he discovered the ProbablyAlive gramps utility that did all that plus more… like considering nearby relatives or life events to estimate the missing endpoints.
Unfortunately nothing happens. If I click on the person box the person opens. If I click on a line nothing happens either…
Where do I have to/should I click?
The checkbox is set.
I just tested on Ubuntu and Windows and it works on my machines.
You have to double-click on the connection line, not the person/family box.
If the connection is just vertical, the bottom half will take you to the ancestor family and the top half will take you to the descendant.
If the connection has a horizontal line, the boundary between these two different “zones” is at the horizontal line itself: the vertical line connecting the descendant to the horizontal part can be double-clicked to jump to the ancestor family, the vertical line connecting the ancestor family to the horizontal line lets you jump to the descendant. The horizontal part itself is not clickable.
Note that jumping to a descendant is disabled when there are multiple descendants, since the target would be ambiguous.
Also note that the view is only scrolled, the active person doesn’t change.
You might have to zoom in a little bit, maybe the clickable area is too small if you zoomed out a lot.
It sounds very complicated when writing it down, but I think it is intuitive once you do it. Just remember that you have to double-click.