I would like to set the “sort_as” field of the name with the Supertool but when I look at its current content the value it contains is not very clear to me. From where come these values 4 and -1 (4th and last of the Gramps internal list of my preferences I suppose).
What will happen to the names to which I have positioned a “sort_as” and which therefore have a value other than 0 if I add formats in the name format editor in the preferences? In particular for the “-1” which will necessarily change
When you create a Name Display option, it gets assigned a number. And the number gets assigned to the name record when it is not using the default.
Create an export of your database and uncheck the Use Compression. One of the first sections of xml file will be the list of Name Displays and their number.
FYI: When you delete a Display Name that is no longer needed, Gramps does not actually delete it but hides it on the chance that you have set that display as either a sort or display override.
<format number="-2" name="Title Surname, Given "NICKNAME" Suffix" fmt_str="title surname, given "NICKNAME" suffix" active="1"/>
<format number="-13" name="Title Surname, Given "Nickname", Suffix" fmt_str="title surname, given "nickname", suffix" active="1"/>
<format number="-11" name="Common Surname" fmt_str="common surname" active="1"/>
<format number="-1" name="Given, Title Surname" fmt_str="given, Title surname" active="1"/>
<format number="-3" name="Title Surname" fmt_str="Title surname" active="1"/>
<format number="-4" name="Given Surname, Suffix, Title" fmt_str="given surname, suffix, title" active="1"/>
<format number="-5" name="Title Given, Surname Suffix" fmt_str="Title given, surname suffix" active="1"/>
<format number="-6" name="Title Given Surname, Suffix" fmt_str="title given surname, suffix" active="1"/>
<format number="-7" name="Title Given "Nickname" Surname, Suffix" fmt_str="title given "nickname" surname, suffix" active="1"/>
<format number="-8" name="Given Surname, Title Suffix" fmt_str="given surname, title suffix" active="1"/>
<format number="-9" name="Title Given Surname Suffix" fmt_str="title given surname suffix" active="1"/>
<format number="-10" name="Title Call "Nickname" Surname, Suffix" fmt_str="title call "nickname" surname, suffix" active="1"/>
<format number="-12" name="Title Given Primary[pre] Primary[sur]Primary[con]Rest, Suffix" fmt_str="title given primary[pre] primary[sur]primary[con]Rest, suffix" active="1"/>