Media file error in Ancestral Report

Yes, there are several ways to deal with them.

First of all, you need to realize that all GEDCOM Import errors are stored in notes. And unless there is an error in the header of a GEDCOM file, these notes are always attached to the object that was being processed when an unexpected line was found. This means that you may find GEDCOM Import notes attached to persons, events, sources, media, etc. And because they are attached, they will also be added to reports, where they look like errors, but they are just notes, with error texts in them.

You can get a quick overview of these by sorting the Notes Category by type, and if you want, you can simply select all GEDCOM Import notes and delete them in one go. They may however also contain information from real notes that did not follow the GEDCOM standard, meaning that they were attached to objects that can’t have notes according to the standard. In those case, Gramps will still attach them to the higher level object it was processing, like the person.

For this reason, it is better to inspect them all, and edit them if they have useful info, and not throw all away in bulk.

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