GEDCOM clean up


I have a new install of gramps 5.2.3
I exported my GEDCOM from Ancestry website. When I imported the file into gramps I see them message in the administration webpage 1895 media objects with missing checksum and 1895 media objects missing file.

Is there a way to clean this up?

Is there any utility to run on the export .ged file to remove / clean the missing media before importing in to gramps?

Thank You

Ancestry supports GEDCOM 5.5.1 export. That file format does not transport media files… just URLs pointing to the where files are on the Ancestry file servers.

GEDCOM 7’s GedZip is supposed to support media files. But support for that new format has not been implemented by most services.

There is a Download Media addon Utilities Tool.

The examples are for downloading Media from the URLs referenced in a GEDCOM from the Geni service.

No feedback on whether it works for the GEDCOM files generated by Ancestry. Using it would certainly required an active account with Ancestry… so I cannot test it for you.

Is this in Gramps Web, not Gramps (for desktops)?

Gramps Web:
API 2.6.0
web frontend: 24.12.0

Ok. Then I don’t think that addon applies to Gramps Web directly. (Moving this thread to the Gramps Web category.)

You would probably need to use Gramps for desktops to pull down the Media. Then GrampsWeb Sync to upload that to the hosting service.

You’re going to want to have Gramps for desktops anyway. It is more mature and has data manipulation tool that Gramps Web does not yet have.

Although Gramps Web has prettier output, an AI chat and some lovely historical mapping feature.


the relevant documentation page is here: Import data - Gramps Web

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