Marking events private in bulk

My tree is small so it won’t take me long to do this manually but there must be a way to do it (semi-)automatically.

I want to set all the events on some people to ‘private’. Is there a Dummies** way of doing this?

**Dummy = a life long Windows user who’s never even dabbled with Linux

There is an addon tool called Set Privacy

It has a variety of options to choose what will be made Private (or Public)

It also allows a Custom Filter to be used to choose a subset of your Tree to be “Private”. For instace, you might start with a People category custom filter that uses the People Probably Alive filtering rule.

The following thread discusses using Tags for such filters. And using SuperTool scripts to set Privacy based on complex criteria:

Thank you, found that now but, being a Dummy, so far I’ve only figured out how to use this to set people to be private / public. As yet, I’ve not been able to make it set events to private. I’ll keep poking at it…

PS Yes I’m messing with a test copy of my tree so I don’t screw up anything important.

To be clear, as a single-user database application, Gramps only uses Privacy for filtering exports and redacting reports.

Also, most researchers tend to make People into Private data… so the Events also become Private. Gramps provides a lot more granularity, but setting gross privacy is quick.

Once you create a Custom Filter for the Events that you want to become Private, just select that filter (instead of Entire Database) in the Options for that tool in the Events filter subsection. (And select the Events checkbox too, of course.)

Thank you again, that’s helpful. I’m making progress now.

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I’ve created an Event filter and it works in the Events view but, regardless of whether or not it is active in the Events view, it’s not available within the Set Privacy Tool. The ‘Event Filter:’ dropdown only shows ‘Entire Database’.

What mistake am I making this time?

The Tool might need a refresh to re-build tgat menu.

Try exiting Gramps and restarting it. That should force a re-build.

That fixed it. Thank you again, again.

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I should file an enhancement request about adding a new Events Custom Filter not re-building that Set Privacy Tool menu.

Just to confirm… you had the Tool dialog closed when you created the new Custom Filter, correct?


I’ve also found that if I edit a filter I have to restart Gramps before the Set Privacy Tool implements the updated version.

How do I file an enhancement request?

Enhancement Requests are submitted via our MantisBT online issue database, just like Bug Reports.

That MantisBT instance has 2 “projects”: Gramps (for bug reports) and Feature Requests. (Wonder why it is labeled in so many ways? This lets people search by whichever term is fanilar.)

The best enhancement requests include a suggested change that the user has tried out. (Often with the help of the community.)

Since the problem is about filters, a good place to search is in another tool about filters that behaves in the way desired. Found a related line in the FilterParams addon tool by @kku that watches the signal for the filters having a change.

Now just have to look in the Set Privacy tool source code. There are no “connect” statements. So we cannot just insert a line (about watching for the Filters changing) among the other monitored signals, and then try it.

The copyright shows that @Mattkmmr developed the addon. So the first step could be to ask (here in Discourse) if he can look at the code and make it watch for the filters to change and rebuild the menus.

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