Is this a proper introduction to localization files for Gramps? prompt:
As an expert in the PO localization system for Python, the Weblate system, and the GitHub repositories for Gramps and its add-ons, please describe how Weblate simplifies the management of translation files. Specifically, clarify whether Weblate serves as a replacement, augmentation, or automation of .po and .mo files, and indicate if Weblate files are referenced in the add-on’s .po or .mo files. Additionally, introduce the template.pot, .po, and .mo files.

Localization File Types and Weblate Integration

The localization process for Gramps and its add-ons involves three primary file types: template.pot, .po, and .mo files. Weblate, as a translation management system, works with these files to streamline the localization workflow.

Template.pot (Portable Object Template)

  • Starting point for translations
  • Contains original text strings extracted from the source code
  • No translations, only empty msgstr fields
  • Acts as a template for creating language-specific .po files

Weblate Role: Weblate can automatically generate and update the template.pot file based on changes in the source code.

.po (Portable Object) Files

  • Human-readable translation files
  • Created for each target language based on the template.pot
  • Contain both original strings (msgid) and their translations (msgstr)
  • Edited by translators to add or update translations
  • Typically named using language codes (e.g., de_DE.po for German)

Weblate Role: Weblate provides a web-based interface for translators to work directly with .po files. It manages version control, conflict resolution, and allows for collaborative translation efforts.

.mo (Machine Object) Files

  • Compiled versions of .po files
  • Binary format, optimized for quick loading by applications
  • Generated automatically from .po files
  • Used by the software to display translated text at runtime
  • Not meant for human editing

Weblate Role: Weblate can automatically generate .mo files from the .po files, ensuring that compiled translations are always up-to-date.

How Weblate Enhances the Process

  1. Augmentation, Not Replacement: Weblate augments and automates the traditional gettext localization system rather than replacing it. It works alongside the existing .po and .mo file structure.

  2. Centralized Management: Provides a centralized platform for managing translations across multiple languages and components, including Gramps add-ons.

  3. Version Control Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Git, allowing easy synchronization between translations and source code in the gramps-project repositories.

  4. Continuous Localization: Supports continuous localization workflows, making it easier to keep translations up-to-date with ongoing development.

  5. Automated File Handling: Automatically updates .po files and can generate .mo files when changes are made, streamlining the process for both translators and developers.

Integration with Gramps Add-ons

For Gramps add-ons in the addons-source repository:

  • Each add-on can be set up as a separate component in Weblate.
  • Weblate manages the .po files directly in the repository structure.
  • The system can automatically generate and commit .mo files back to the repository.

File References and Usage

  • Gramps and its add-ons continue to reference .mo files as they normally would.
  • Weblate doesn’t change how the software loads translations; it only manages the creation and updating of these files.
  • The .po and .mo files remain in their standard locations within the project structure.

By leveraging Weblate, the Gramps project streamlines its localization process, making it easier for translators to contribute and for developers to manage translations across the main application and its various add-ons, while still maintaining the traditional gettext-based localization system.

2 Likes expanding upon the “extracted from the source code” portion of `Template.pot (Portable Object Template)

The process of extracting original text strings from the source code to create a template.pot file is a crucial step in software localization. Here’s an expanded explanation of this process:

Extraction Process

  1. Source Code Analysis: A specialized tool, often xgettext or similar, scans the project’s source code files.

  2. Identification of Translatable Strings: The tool looks for specific patterns or function calls that indicate translatable text. Common markers include:

    • _() or gettext() function calls
    • Strings wrapped in special tags or comments
  3. Extraction of Strings: When a translatable string is found, it’s extracted along with its context (e.g., file name, line number).

  4. Creation of msgid Entries: Each extracted string becomes a msgid (message identifier) entry in the template.pot file.

  5. Empty msgstr Fields: For each msgid, an empty msgstr (message string) field is created, ready for translations.

Example of Extracted Content

A typical entry in the template.pot file might look like this:

#: src/
msgid "Welcome to our application"
msgstr ""

Automation and Tools

Many development environments and frameworks provide tools to automate this extraction process, making it easier to keep the template.pot file up-to-date as the source code evolves[5].

By creating this template, developers ensure that all translatable strings are centralized and ready for the translation process, forming the foundation for creating language-specific .po files[1][6].


[1] How to generate a pot file for a WordPress theme using a plugin - Viva Themes
[2] Instructions for creating language template files - WeBWorK_wiki
[3] Working with Message Catalogs — Babel 2.14.0 documentation
[4] How to I mark an empty translation (msgstr) as translated in po gettext files? - Stack Overflow
[5] Lingui CLI | Lingui
[6] PO Files (GNU gettext utilities)
[7] theme development - How to create .pot files with POedit? - WordPress Development Stack Exchange
[8] Getttext PO/POT format explained — Documatt
[9] PO file (Gettext) - Localizely
[10] Gettext (PO) | Transifex Help Center

I hated Weblate, when Gramps migrated the translation to it. But as I worked with it, I found it more and more useful. And now I would like to use it for the addons.

However, I have a few questions:

  1. When I have translated a string, it gets the status waiting for review. Who is supposed to review?
  2. is the translation considered to be ready to go into Gramps, even if it is not reviewed?
  3. Can I use Weblate on the addons, and if so how do I do it?
  4. If we don’t review the translations, is there a way to bulk approve all translations?
  5. Is it possible to let Weblate have one big file for all addons?

Anyone who is a member of the “Review” team on Weblate can review a string. The former language maintainers were made reviewers if they signed up with Weblate and let me know their user name. You are a reviewer.

Once a string is changed it will make its way into Gramps even if it has not been reviewed. A reviewed string can only be changed by a reviewer. Other users can just make suggestions.

I can bulk approve all strings for a language if asked by a reviewer/maintainer. This can be useful if you wish to take more control over your translation. I think that it’s also possible to do this as a user, but it’s probably easier to ask me.

It is not possible to translate third-party addons using Weblate yet.

The easiest way to translate the addons would be to create a Weblate component for each addon. I don’t know if we have a limit to the number of components with our free hosting. This method might also be awkward for translators.

I have investigated combining all the template.pot files into a single addons.pot file using msgcat. The translations can then be extracted again using msgcomm. It works quite well, but we lose the copyright details for the individual addons. The copyright statements would be aggregated and maintained in the combined addons.pot file. I’ll start a thread on the gramps-devel mailing list to get some feedback.


I have started the Translating the addons using Weblate on the gramps-devel mailing list to discuss this.

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