I have encountered some cases, when siblings of a family deliberately marry on the same day, like John Smith & Joseph Smith wed two sisters (or two girls, non-sisters). In some cases, close neighbours/distant relatives also hold double weddings, where I am pretty confident that it is not a coincidence. How to best represent these in Gramps? As a single shared event?
I would give each couple their own Marriage event with a note that it was a double wedding with their sibling’s marriage. If you have access to their marriage certificate/license/record that would be a citation for only one couple’s marriage.
I like this subject (I actually liked the question and the answers), I also have at least one case like that and I admit that I haven’t dealt with it, it’s this thread that makes me think of it.
The note common to both marriages seems to me a rather good solution.
But in one case I’m thinking of, I have a photo of two sisters’ wedding on the same day, and I think I’m going to use the photo as a source and add a citation from the wedding on the same day. The idea of having a particular event to which I can associate this citation also seems like a good solution too.
I generally share marriage events with their participants with the role of the same name, but this would not necessarily answer the question.
I admit that I can’t completely decide myself.
Maybe a mix using an attribute in both marriage event: including the note and the citation to associate them and make it visible in the shared marriage events with their participants.
I should note that 5.2 events will allow for citations to be attached to the participants of a shared event.
With this scenario, a single marriage event can be shared for both marriages. Each marriage event would have the Role “Family” and each having their unique source/citation.
The common event S/C and Gallery tabs could share common pictures etc.
How can I add a “Shared Ceremony”? I’ve looked around but found nothing similar among the hardcoded events. Or do you mean that I should introduce a custom event, named “Ceremony”, that I share between the two pairs? How am I to do that?
Yes, but add a “Shared Ceremony” Custom Type to the Events list, not just “Ceremony”.
Use it in addition to the regularly used Marriage. (So that reports… and other features… still recognize a Vital Record.)
You can summarize what kind of shared ceremony (e.g., “Double wedding for twin sibling grooms and best friend brides”) in the Description.
Try to avoid adding Custom Types that are “single‐use”. A “Shared Ceremony” could be re‐used for a funeral where multiple family members were in a fatal accident or mother/child died during birthing. Or where multiple birth children were baptized.
Try to choose a label for your custom type that will pique interest when in summary reports (or quick view reports) where the Event’s Type and Date may be listed without the Description. (You are not stuck with ill-considered labels or redundancies. Custom Types can be renamed or merged with the Types Cleanup addon tool.)
Thanks @emyoulation. I’ve managed to implement this shared event, and as it suits my needs, I will apply this method in the future. I may post my experiences once I have registered several such events and have analyzed their occurrences.