How to relink imported images

New to Gramps. Previously used Roots Magic 7. Imported the GEDCOM file from Roots Magic. But the images do not appear even though the file link/path that was imported appears to be correct. Ran the Check & Repair Database tool. After this about half the images now appear. What am I missing? Can’t seem to find info on re-linking images.

Gramps version 5.1.6, OS is Linux Mint 21.3

Take a look at the following thread and tell us if that helps.

Thanks for the reply. I did figure out how to re-link a media file. I double clicked the image box for the person in question, in the next pop-up box I clicked on ‘shared information’, then click on the file icon at the right of the path box which already has the file path entered. That re-links the file.

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