How to mark relations that are uncertain/not verified

Is there a way (or best practice) to enter relations like Child-Parents that are uncertain or need to be further verified?

I often encounter a situation where the birth certificates for a person are unclear or contradictory so i can only guess that the person is child of some family. I’d like to be able to enter the child - parents relationship but tag it for further verifications.

I guess adding a tag on the Birth event of the child could work but sometimes the confusion arises from other events, so it would be best to put the tag on the connection between people - virtually like putting the tag on the lines between people in chart view. Are there ways to handle this somehow?


You can use the Child Reference editor and set the Relationship type to “Unknown”. Or use a custom type like “unconfirmed”.


Child relationships are not terribly visible. I’d also put a “To Do” note at the Family level outlining the research done to date… and a reminder that non-Birth relationships were applied.

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It would be nice if the filter rules “Children of <filter match>” and “Parents of <filter match>” let you choose particular relationships.

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