How do we harmonize custom data with a new standard feature?

Gramps 5.2 added “Godparent” as a new standard Role.

However, users have been recording these relationship in their tree in a variety of ways. So, how do we upgrade the custom methods to the new standard one?

Let’s count the ways that a Godparent might have been recorded:

  • any of three custom types for Roles for a shared event (Christening, Adult Christening or Baptism) : Godparent, Godfather, Godmother
  • Associations of Godparent, Godfather, Godmother
  • inverse Associations of Godchild, Godson, Goddaughter

The obvious 1st step is to simplify by merging custom Types with the Tools → Utilities → Type cleanup… addon tool.

But what next?

How do we change (en masse) custom type Godparent roles to the newly built-in Godparent role?

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I used custom Godfather, Godmather, Godson, Goddauther roles and associations earlier. But later I’ve grouped them into Godparent and Godchild in event roles and associations.

Associations have existed at least by Gramps 2.2 in 2006. Yet there still aren’t even tools to find specific Associations.

The features that pertain to associations are:

  • Rule: Match associations of <person filter> (You have to create an “Everyone” person filter first.)
  • Rule: People with <count> associations
  • Utilities Tool: Type Cleanup doesn’t find Association Types. If it did, that tool creates a list of Objects (linked to the Object Editor) referencing any particular type.
  • Utilities Tool: Sync Associations… only adds missing Associations
  • Utilities Tool: Check Associations data… lists the Associations of Persons and shows their target person. But it doesn’t allow opening either person.

If there was any way to open both people involved in an Association, then you could see if there was a Christening event that could be shared (or you have to create one). Then you can choose where to move the Source Citations, Notes and Privacy from the Person Reference Editor for the Association: to the Reference information or the Shared information section of the Shared Event. And then delete the Association.