Gramps Web DigitalOcean 1-click app

I managed to get Gramps Web approved as a “1-Click App” on DigitalOcean:

It means you can spin up a self-hosted Gramps Web instance with minimal manual configuration. Prices start at 6$ per month.

If someone wants to try this out, I would be happy about feedback concerning issues and/or success.

For documentation, see:

Please do not change any ports etc. manually when using the one-click app!


The documentation (both at the intro text of the “1-click app” and in the linked documentation article) is missing any mention of when/how the actual genealogy data is flowed into the droplet.

There ought to be mention of prepping an export (GEDCOM, .gramps compressed or .gramps XML) file or backup(?) file. Then an explicit statement of which step is where the file is imported/uploaded. Is it in the setup script?

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What reports covers blended families? A challenging case I have includes grandparents raising grandkids.

@emyoulation good point. It’s actually the same as step 3 and 4 of the Docker deployment, but this should be somehow unified/mentioned.

@Paffy Gramps Web uses Gramps as a library for processing genealogical data, so the data model and the reports are exactly the same. So I think this would be a question in the Help category.

Would you say Gramps Web is viable for a ‘start from scratch’ tree? Or is it a collaborative tool for an uploaded/sync’d research in an offline Gramps database?

Would you say Gramps Web is viable for a ‘start from scratch’ tree? Or is it a collaborative tool for an uploaded/sync’d research in an offline Gramps database?

It’s supposed to be suited for both. Once it becomes easier for people to sign up to an online tree, I can even imagine there could be users who start online and only “discover” the desktop app as a second step.

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8 posts were split to a new topic: DigitalOcean droplet: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gramps Web Docker’s First Run wizard

DigitalOcean immediately updated their droplet to the v1.0.0 Gramps Web as soon as it was published. The updated 1-click App (droplet) is dated 23 Jun 2023.

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Hi, DigitalOcean doesn’t update anything themselves. 1.0.0 was the version of the 1-click app (not Gramps Web) when it was first released. Normally, there is no need to update the 1-click app since it automatically pulls the latest docker image on startup.

However, yesterday I finally did update the image, since there was a problem with the docker-compose file, probably related to the issues in 502 Bad Gateway when using provided docker-compose.yml - #5 by Fragment5809 and Setup Issues: Gramps Web on VPS with SSL - #26 by SNoiraud. As version number, I put “0.22.2+” to indicate that it’s currently based on v0.22.2 of Gramps.js, but + since it will always pull the latest version.

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