Gramps 5.2 Narrated Web Site Openstreet no image

Had been using this fix on 5.1.6 Ubuntu
in the from the webreport directory
replace “latest” by “v6.15.1” at lines 387 and 390
and in in the same directory
replace “latest” by “v6.15.1” at lines 722 and 725

tried 5.2 on Win10 (my test system)
Had thought I had seen a message about the above being fixed in ver 5.2 beta but it still seems to be required is this still to be progressed.
Also got an error message that lightbox.js was missing
Liking what I am seeing so far hope this helps

It is fixed in 5.2. The report’s “Place Map Options” defaults to use “v6.15.1” but allows to change it.

Which version of 5.2beta are you using? Works on AIO64-5.2.0-r1-54cc357

lightbox.js and .css should be in your program folders…


Thanks Dave

GRAMPS 5.5.0 Beta 2 AIO64-5.2.0-r1-2ac9e80 is the release I have as a
download from GITHUB


Corrected version number