Onko kenelläkään kokemusta tietojen siirrosta Grampsista Sukujutut-ohjelmaan? Gedcom lienee ainoa mahdollisuus. Tuleeko virheilmoituksia ja siirtyvätkö kaikki tiedot?
Translated the question using Deepl:
Does anyone have experience with transferring data from Gramps to the “Sukujutut” Genealogy program?Gedcom is probably the only possibility. Are there any error messages and does all the data transfer?
Gedcom is not without its shortcomings, Any import done from Gedcom should be rigorously tested. Gedcom tags that are not recognised might up within a note, but I have noticed this is not always the case.
En löytänyt heidän verkkosivuiltaan mitään hyödyllistä. Eikä siitä ohjelmasta ollut mitään Grampsin postituslista-arkistoissa.
Koska SukuJutut on kaupallinen ohjelmisto, saatat olla parempi onni löytää Facebook-ryhmästään käyttäjä, jolla on kokemusta molemmista työkaluista. Haku “Gramps” tai “GEDCOM” ei löydä julkaisuja. Joten sinun on aloitettava yksi.
For English readers:
I did not find anything helpful on their website. And there was nothing about that program in the Gramps mailing list archives.
Since SukuJutut is commercial software (initial release in 1993), you might have better luck finding a user with experience with both tools in their Facebook group. The search for “Gramps” or “GEDCOM” does not find any postings. So you will need to start one.
Perplexity AI gives the etymology of the product name.
The product name “SukuJutut” for the Finnish commercial genealogy software can be dissected into two Finnish roots:
- “Suku”: This word means “family” or “kin” in Finnish. It’s derived from the Proto-Finnic *suku, which refers to lineage or family line
- “Jutut”: This is the plural form of “juttu”, which can mean “story”, “tale”, or “matter” in Finnish.
When combined, “SukuJutut” can be interpreted as “Family Stories” or “Kin Tales”.
Facebook-ryhmä on vain ilmoituksia, ei keskustelua. Viestit ovat poissa käytöstä, kun Facebook mukautuu uusiin viestintäpalvelusääntöihin Euroopassa."
En löytänyt tukifoorumia. Viesti on siis lähetetty sähköpostilla.
The Facebook group is just announcements, not discussion. And the messaging is disabled while Facebook adapts to “new rules for messaging services in Europe.”
I found no support forum. So an inquiry has been eMailed.
Sukujutut-Fb ryhmä ei ole koskaan ollut todellisessa tukikäytössä. Sukujutut on ohjelmana 1980-tekniikkaa, tehty Visual Basella. Ehkä se jää markkinoilta pois.
Löytyykö Grampsiin tulostettavaa raporttia, jossa on sukupuu perhetauluina ja kussakin taulussa on viittaus vanhempien tauluun? Se on Sukujuttujen raportin rakenne.
in English
Is there a printable report in Gramps that displays a family tree as family group sheets, with each sheet referencing the parent’s sheet? This is the structure of the report in Sukujutut.
Voitko antaa pari sivua heidän raportilleen? Näytetäänkö mieluiten 2 perhetaulukkoa, jotka liittyvät vanhempana lapseen? (PDF:t voidaan liittää.)
Luulen, että voi olla pari erilaista Grampsin raporttia, joissa on samanlaisia tietoja.
Can you provide a couple pages of their report? Preferably, showing 2 family sheets which are related as parent to child? (PDFs can be attached.)
I think there may be a couple different Gramps reports that have similar information.
“Taulu 768” = familysheet 768. Isä (father) Pål ja vaimo (spouse) Gertrud. Anders -pojalla on oma taulu (family sheet of son Anders) 769. Andersin tyttärellä (daughter of Anders) Gertrud on oma taulunsa - Gertrud has her own family sheet 770. etc etc.
Tämä sivu on ote minun omasta sukukirjasta, excerpt of my own family book (“Lappeteläinen-Mömmö”) containing 4600 people in 798 sheets. In person register all persons refer to their own sheets by sheet number.
From: “Sihteeri” sihteeri@sukujutut.fi
Sent: Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 6:46 AM
Subject: VS: Importing GEDCOM into SuguJutut
SukuJutut can read and make Gedcom-files.
I have some experience reading Gedcom-files from different platforms/programs example FamilytreeBuilder, Myheritage and few more.
If I remember correctly some of our clients have brought Gedcom-files from Gramps to SukuJutut too.
Usually all the info from Gedcom-file goes pretty smoothly to SukuJutut but sometimes there could be some info or tag that needs to be replaced or something like that.
Most times it can be done straight to Gedcom-file with find and replace -method from Notepad.
Usually if SukuJutut can’t read Gedcom-file from a different program we have made some changes /fixes to file reading on our part.
So generally speaking if Gedcom-file have the info, then most of the time it can be read to SukuJutut one way or another.
Ps. Thanks for notifying us: I found no mention of support for GEDCOM when searching your website
I’ll add some info regarding this to the website.
Best regards
Atk-palvelu Luhtasaari Oy (IT Services Luhtasaari Ltd)
From: “Sihteeri” sihteeri@sukujutut.fi
Sent: Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 7:03 AM
Subject: VS: Importing GEDCOM into SuguJutut
What came to my mind after sending that last email:
If users have problem in our end with Gedcom-files, we are more than happy to help them.
So if you want you can ask them to send us an email or call us and we can help them too if its needed.
Best regards
Atk-palvelu Luhtasaari Oy