GEDCOM Export Places missing informations


When exporting to GEDCOM from Gramps, there are missing informations like “code” (as french I use INSEE Code).

Gramps exports “Title” (as set in Display) for GEDCOM PLAC, but most of other softwares are mainly waiting for this kind of format (eg. in french for Ancestris)

Lieudit, Commune, Code_INSEE, Code_Postal, Département, Région, Pays

As reading Gramps’ Manual, I can set Title display using hierarchical by setting “number”… So if I want CODE_INSEE and postal code I had to redefine all my places structure and include both codes a a sublevel (part of) ?

Then I should a hierarchical structure of places like this :

  |- Région
    |- Département
      |- Code_Postal
        |- Code_INSEE
          |- Commune
            |- Lieudit

Can’t we use “keywords” from place’s type (street, country, county, town etc.) ?
As code is also available in place’s record, there’s no way to use it for place’s display format ?

Or simply allow another way to set place’s format for GEDCOM only ?

There’s something really strange with Gramps, the more I use it the more I found it powerful, but sometimes I don’t understand some choices… Or did I missed something when RTFM ?

Gramps version 5.1.5 / Linux (Kubuntu 22.04 LTS)

Essayer plugin gedcom2

gedcomforgeneanet (Projet : glopglop dans le nouveau gestionnaire de geffons)
Voir forum gramps
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Developpeur du greffon GedcomforGeneanet pour GRAMPS
glopgrampsaddons/addons-source/GedcomforGeneanet at main · grocanar/glopgrampsaddons · GitHub
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