Very much a newbie here. I want to use GRAMPS to hold information for a local history project, with people and relations between them. However, there are vary many with the same names, passed from generation to generation. So when I want to enter which Thomas married which Sarah, it would be helpful to have a name display option which included a date, which could be when they were born, died, or just known to have been alive. Does anything like this exist already in GRAMPS? I guess the simplest would be if there was a manually editable suffix to be added to display names.
It’s a bit like how in (US) family history people will give a number to different generations, or add Jnr / Snr, but I’m probably going to need dates
I’m not entirely sure what you are looking for, but there are two area which might help you:
Gramps has name display settings where you can change the name display format or create your own. Names have a suffix field which can be changed manually and also displayed.
Each person can hold one preferred name (which is displayed) and several alternative names with name types like “name at birth”, “name after marriage” or “also known as” and a date or date range.
But if you select the correct person from one of the people lists and then navigate to the Relationships view, that person will be the Active Person. From the tool bar you can select to add that person to a family. Half of the parents of the new family will already be set.
And to make it easy, you can drag-n-drop a person record into either of the parent (or child) slot. Open the Clipboard from any view. From the people views you can select the two people for the family and drag-n-drop them to the Clipboard. Then when you add a new family the people can be dragged from the clipboard into the parent slots.
A new ‘lifespan’ part could be very interesting. Let us say that:
it had default layout of “(b. birthyear, d. deathyear)”
Used symbols for birth (“b.”) & death (“d.”)
Had italicized fallback birth-like & death-like event year &symbols
Had an alternative right-to-left layout
As a display name “part”, a user might temporarily change change the global name display format for a session. Then change it back if the session did not involve editing such ambiguous lineages.
Extending a pre-formatted ‘lifespan’ to be a report field would be useful too.