Ahoj dear devs, translators and all the other blessed volk of Gramps,
first of all - thanks for this great program,
because of the interest to research, I found a lot of relatives and even first time in my life seen ma grandparents - even if just on photos. …
Now to the idea/feature request I would like to have realized in Gramps.
I would really like to modify the output of the names - so the format, that can to be done in “Display Name Editor”.
I would like to export names in following format:
‘Call, Nickname, Familynick’, Title Primary[pre] Primary[sur], Given MatronymicWithConnectorAndPrefix PatronymicWithoutMatr Suffix (NotPatronymic)
Title: Dr.
Nick: Sid
Callname: Sidor
Given Name: Isidor
Suffix: st. (starshy = the elder / senior, alternative is “.I”)
Patronymikon: Pavlov
Matronymikon: Nadin
Matronymikon-connector: syn (Slavic old lose variant of -søn, can be used as Prefix to the Surname, female version is doczerj = -dochter)
Surname-prefix: von (old, slight different variant of the -ov suffix’s in Russian “ѵонъ”)
Surname: Korczak
Familynick: Korcz (wherever this is able to be added, I did not figured it out for now)
Taken: Schmiedt (for female version illustration here)
In sum this have to result in:
’Sid, Sidor, Korcz’, Dr. von Korczák, Isidor Nádin syn Pávlov st. (Schmiedt)
or in native
’Сидъ, Сидоръ, Корчъ’, Dr. ванъ Корчакъ, Исидоръ Надинъ сынъ Павловъ ст. (Шмидтъ)
So actually I would like to split patronymic and matronymic in seperate.
Btw. how to add a familynick?