The default window width of the initial Gramps startup need to be a bit wider. (And being a bit taller would eliminate scrolling in Navigator bar. 823x670 would be large enough)
It crops off the right edge of the Welcome! gramplet in column 2. Probably would have had enough room if it the Navigator sidebar did not have titles.
I’d agree with that if some of the new Preferences tabs hadn’t violated the spirit of the guideline.
I can quess a reason Gramps adopted that guideline… discovered that many VMs create 800x600 virtual screens. So sticking with 800x600 simplifies testing using VMs.
However, on the flipside, if the windows size saved in .ini files exceeds the screensize then Gramps automatically drops down to fit. So we could abandon that guideline if VMs are the gating factor.
But that would beg the question, do the Gramps screensize detection routines see the VM size? … or the physical device size?
No wonder that Gramps makes my eyes hurt. Modern GUI design for websites calls for 16px defaults. That’s 12pt. 9pt is only 75% of normal size. (It is very aggravating that Notes use a hardcoded base font size. Changing font sizes in Themes has no affect in them.)
Had to finish re-flushing the laptop computer and re-installing yesterday’s AIO zip.
First, the whole Preferences dialog is significantly larger than the 800x600 compliant application window. And the 1st tab “Data” has the whole “Input options” and “*Requires Restart” off the bottom of the dialog with a narrow (almost unnoticeable) vertical scrollbar. (scrollbar added PR#1525)
The “Colors” tab scrolls too… but who cares about the colors tab? It is ignored by almost every feature that could leverage it. And swatches are a horrible interface for tweaking more than 1 color too. If the Tags used that color palette (instead all Black) or the pin Config colors for the “All Known Places” geography view (instead of all Green), then deficiencies in its use might matter to someone.
On a fresh install of Windows (complete reformat and re-install, nothing added but AIO64-5.2.0-r1-d4de8fb), the default size of preferences was 918x772
oooh… this is an interesting Windows idiosyncrasy. This Thinkpad T740 has a default screen resolution of 1920x1080. Under Windows 10 Pro, the settings default to scaling apps by 150%.
So I set that to 100% and the defaults changed. Evidently, it interacts with hardware setting in the OS to choose defaults? And the Dashboard fit better. (Even though needing a magnifying glass to use.)
The Main went to 777x532 and the Preferences to 702x667
Can you make the scrollbars wider? They are wide enough to notice during rollover but the way they go narrow then disappear entirely (if the mouse is outside the dialog, or, after the pointer stops moving for 2 seconds) makes the awareness that there are additional Preference options too hidden.