V. 5.2.3, Linux Mint 6 (Please include your Gramps version and Operating System)
I use a german translation of Gramps 5.2.3 in a german Linux Mint 6 environment.
When I create a report, e.g. a descendant tree, I chose “deutsch” as translation for the date, but get back austrian months. (Jänner for January instead of Januar)
All other localisations seem to work properly.
Is there a chance to fix it locally on my system in a certain text or XML file?
There’s a bug report filed for this:
0013312: Web Report uses Austrian German (de_AT) instead of German (de/de_DE)
And I seem to recall it being mention recently too. (I did not pay attention though… I do not speak a 2nd language and had nothing to contribute either.)
@SNoiraud and @codefarmer both responded and are waiting on feedback from users. It has been stalled at that stage since September.
@Gioto had set the issue to feedback status, but I don’t see a question. As far as I can tell, this is a bug and could be confirmed.
It appears as though the PR1268 fix was changed from a bug to an enhancement and pushed in to the master branch nearly 3 years ago. (Can’t figure out how to make GitHub reveal the actual date.) So that means it should have resolved with the the 5.2 release last February.
So, I suppose the feedback is about whether that it resolved is true. Or if the commit was somehow rolled back. Or if the commit was ineffective.
@emyoulation and Nick
Thank you for the efforts to grant me writing access!
I can tell @codefarmer that in my version 5.2.3 of Gramps which I installed only a couple of days ago (2025) via the Installation App of Linux Mint (LMDE 6) still has the bug, that the reports in German (German DE) still have Austrian (German AT) monthsnames.
I found a solution for me which solves the problem with my installation, but I assume, that my “fix” will be overwritten by any update with the bug inside.
This is no problem for me, but I encourage the Gramps Dev team to take a look on my solution and look for a permanent fix.
Here my “solution”:
In my installlation, there are the Gramps python code files in the directory
There, in the subdirectory /gen/datahandler, I modifed the file _date_de.py.
I modified the very last line of the file.
With my root privileges I changed
register_datehandler((“de_AT”, (“%d.%m.%Y”,)), DateParserDE, DateDisplayDE)
register_datehandler((“de_DE”, (“%d.%m.%Y”,)), DateParserDE, DateDisplayDE)
saved the file and restarted Gramps. From this point on, the reports show the german names of the months without any noteable implictations and malfunction.
I don’t know, what the Gramps Dev thinks about this, but I am open to any comment.
As it works at least for me, I mark the thread as “solved”, which I don’t know how to tell the system…
Couldn’t the Austrian dialect be inserted in the re-ordered fallbacks and that line 444 be eliminated?
- de_DE (Standard German for Germany)
- de_AT (Austrian German)
- de_CH (Swiss German)
- de_LI (Liechtenstein German)
- de_LU (Luxembourgish German)
- de_BE (Belgian German)
- de (Generic German)
Not sure where the “german” and “German” dialects would belong. And, as one uninitiated to the mysteries of localization, I’m kind of surprised there isn’t a “deutsch” in there with capitalization variants. (Including All Caps)
Brian, I don’t know, what is the correct approach to a proper coding, which covers all german variants in Gramps. This is much above my programming skills…
I am happy, that I got this lucky hit with my installation, and I forward my information, so that everybody with the necessary knowledge can fix it permanently.
I can reproduce this bug in the Complete Individual report for “Garner, Anderson” [I1106] using English as the interface language.
Setting the report language to either “German” or “German (Austria)” displays the birth date as “Jänner”.
The views work correctly when I run Gramps with “LANGUAGE=de”. The language codes “de_DE” and “de_AT” also work as expected.
PR 1268 (related to PR 1264) from 4 years ago is the exact opposite of that. It removes it from the fallbacks and adds that final line.
Was it a workaround for a problem in the Austrian dialect? Maybe that problem was fixed and the workaround is now bad?
This is also a problem with pt_BR which will use pt_PT and zh_HK which will use zh_TW.
I do not understand the implications of your findings. Or how it affects the workflow for committing a fix.
Do we need to file a new bug or amend the existing one? Or will a developer assign themself to
0013312 and resolve the broader scope?
See pull request #1845.
@MS-92697 Michael,
Could you edit your gramps/gen/datehandler/_date_de.py
with Nick’s patch and try it?
@codefarmer I did write a response, but mantisbt lost it, so seeing as it was late and I was upset I decide to go to bed and fix it in the morning , looks like I forgot to do that sorry! If I get something wrong on the bugtracker please feel free to correct me or ask a question!
@emyoulation, @Nick-Hall, I tried the patch successfully, which means, with this patch I can choose beween report language Deutsch and Deutsch (Österreich) with the correct corresponding german and german-austrian monthnames and probably other names as well.
I can’t attach my _date_de.py file, in order you can check whether it has the correct base version and we don’t get into some more trouble.
So is there a way to share _date_de.py itself?