Narrated Web Site: Export dates as DD.MM.YYYY (with leading 0)

In the Narrated Web Site export (Gramps 5.1.5 on Ubuntu) I want the dates to be in the aligned “German” format. At the moment I have in the export settings date format as numeric:

(last bottom row)

However, this leads to harder to read columns in the exported indexes because the dates “jump”:

It is pretty common to have dates in Germany in the format with a leading 0, e.g. for today 14.02.2022 instead of 14.2.2022

Or for the screenshot:


Is there an option for this in the Narrated Web site addon? If not yet for version 5.1.5 then maybe in 5.2.0?

What do you have in
Edit->Preferences->Display tab ? (5.1 and 5.2)
The Date format should probably solves this problem.
You have the following format depending on the LANG or LC_TIME value
it depends also if you have a specific language date handler (gramps/gen/datehandler/ which is normaly the case for you.

I think this format is unknown either in the narrated web site either in the preference general tab.

What about the ISO Format (YYYY/MM/DD) ?
If you think this is mandatory for you, make a feature request. It is a very big modification that it involves all languages and many source modules.

In 5.2, as we may have several languages, When you select the default lang, you can see the date format change which is depending on the preference date format.

This request is a reminder that some experiments with date format options are needed. I think that validation in this feature has lagged because it is necessary to Restart Gramps after each change.

I think that the OP is not only saying that export needs a decimal format to be more compatible by country but they found some of the Date formats are mislabeled.

For instance, the “DAY MON YEAR” is typically labeled “D Mmm YYYY” because of 2 reasons: MON indicates the 3-letter month abbreviation would be in all upper case; “MON” in a date discussion is (not very) ambiguous between a “month” and “Monday”. “DAY” is also ambiguous as to whether it should include a leading zero or not.

There are only a few Display preferences that require restarting Gramps:

  • Date format
  • Age display precision
  • Show Navigator text labels

Has control of Gtk improved enough to eliminate any of these restarts?

This is set to YYYY-MM-DD – which is fine for me within Gramps since I am used to it because I am a software developer myself:

OTOH, in Narrated Website Report I use this setting:

And these options are available there:

@emyoulation note well, the date preview above using the current date of today – I found this pretty handy. This is maybe sufficiently intuitive to use.

What about the ISO Format (YYYY/MM/DD) ?

Fine for me, but not really what I want for my non-tech-savvy German relatives who are the target group the export.

Speaking python (not my first language) I would simple ask to have this as an option in the Narrated Website report:

import datetime

x = datetime.datetime(1865, 3, 2)
# 02.03.1865

I was talking Display Preferences while in Narrated Web Site thread. Sorry.

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