Complete individual report - Enrich the Family section (Fiche individuelle complete - Enrichir la section Famille)

Lorsque que l’on créé une fiche individuelle complète pour un individu si celui a été Témoin par exemple a des mariages
Son rôle est bien indiqué ainsi que la date mais
pas les acteurs principaux
Pour moi c’est un manque
Y a t il d’amèliorer la situation

Gramps 5.2.2 Linux KDE Neon 6

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Good morning,
When we create a complete individual file for an individual if he or she has been a witness, for example, at weddings
Its role is well indicated as well as the date but
not the main actors
For me it’s a lack
Is there any way to improve the situation?

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Without a change in the code, the easiest way would be to add a note into the person’s event role section.

Example: Wedding of John Smith and Mary Jones

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Sans modifier le code, le moyen le plus simple serait d’ajouter une note dans la section du rôle de la personne dans l’événement.

Exemple : mariage de John Smith et Mary Jones

And when I tried to produce an example, my suggestion failed.

It does work if instead of a Note the added information is added as an Attribute.


Et quand j’ai essayé de produire un exemple, ma suggestion a échoué.

Cela fonctionne si au lieu d’une note, les informations ajoutées sont ajoutées en tant qu’attribut.

My wish was to have a biography-style text generated by Gramps and therefore rather “literary” to use as a preamble in writing a small genealogy booklet.
The Complete Individual File report is of course usable but as it is not chronological, requires the use of the editor to reorder everything with risk of error
So I’m still a little frustrated
The Biography express report only reports the main events without indicating the Event/Sources connection
I like the time graph of the combined view but not exportable
By default I therefore reworked the individual file
Do you have any other ideas?

To make sure we are seeing the same issue, when the Custom Individual report (CIR) prints, you want all of the Person events listed together with the Marriage events still listed with the Family/Families.

After trying to tweak the file to disregard the event groupings with no success (I am not a coder I can only tweak what someone else dreams up) I tried another path. Instead of tweaking the code for the report, I tweaked to code that set events into groups.

I hacked gen/lib/

Starting at about line 138 the coded events are put into the different groupings. I left the “Family” grouping as is. I moved all other of the events into the “Life Events” group removing the code setting up “Religious”, “Vocational”, “Academic”, “Travel”, “Legal”, “Residence” and “Other”.

Make sure that when adding more events into “Life Events” that all events are separated by commas and that the correct bracket groupings are maintained.

The major problem with this method is that any custom created events will still segregate in their own section in the report.

As with any hacking of the code, make sure that you protect an original version of Maybe keep the two versions of The original one for everyday use. But when you are creating a number of CIR reports for your project use the modified

I wonder if the better starting point might not be a clone of the Biography addon quickview. It already does a conversational story about some events (the “fallback” level events) and a top-level (not a recursively checking secondary objects) list of sources. By using the Biography quickview in the Quickview gramplet, it would be SO much easier to revise and run test cases. Repeatedly running them with the Complete Individual File report would be VERY tedious.


Once the layout was roughed out in the quickview report, it could be flowed into the regular report.

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Thanks for your answers but not being a coder at heart I wouldn’t risk manipulating lines of code that I don’t understand.
I am just able to use Writter to rework the report data
However there are screens that could suit me in the Combined Relationship view: Events and Time Graph
Everything is there but no copy/possible or export, print concept
Too bad

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I allow myself to revive this topic because it would be great if we could export (html, text, …) these two views in order to be able to easily integrate them with a word processor (for example writter) in the development of a biographical document.
But maybe not technically possible?
For the moment I make screenshots that I process with an OCR software but it is long and not great
The Events view is particularly convincing because it is very synthetic, it is equivalent to a report
This topic should perhaps be in the Idea category ???

A small remark that could improve the ergonomic side of this combined view:
If the media associated with the quote is other than an image format (jpg, png) no direct access in one click only the literal name is named.
It might be necessary to indicate the path of the media to be able to open it with a suitable external reader
Nb: I use from time to time the pdf format which is well suited to notarial deeds
Thank you

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