Liste de mariage

Bonjour, est-ce que Gramps peut produire un rapport de mariages incluant les noms des parents du conjoint, la date et lieu du mariage, le nom du conjoint et de la conjointe et les noms des parents de la conjointe

La Biographie, un module complémentaire Person QuickReport s’en rapproche. Il ne manque que les noms des beaux-parents.

En anglais: The Biography, an addon Person QuickReport is close. It is only missing the in-law names.

Pourriez-vous publier la version française du même rapport ? Je suis curieux de savoir dans quelle mesure la formulation de l’addon a été traduite.

Il utilisait la vue Personne avec un Grampet Quick View non ancré avec la personne principale active dans l’arborescence d’échantillons Example.gramps.

En anglais: Could you post the french version of same report? I am curious how well the phrasing in the addon was translated.

It used the Person view with an undocked Quick View Grampet with the Home Person active in the Example.gramps sample tree.

You can come even closer with the Family Group Report. On the Include tab for the report, only select the Parent Marriage option.

The list of children of the marriage may also be a bonus for you. If you don’t want to include the children, you can change the output format in the Document Options to OpenDocument Text and delete the table for the children before you print the report.

Merci de votre aide Je vais travailler sur votre suggestion

Did some experimenting with SuperTool. Started by grabbing chunks from the Biography QuickReport and tweaking it. The code is crude. But I like your idea enough to try hacking it into the Biography addon.

[Gramps SuperTool script file]

Marriage Description including In-Laws

Experiment in modifying the Biography QuickReport


from gramps.gen.simple import SimpleAccess, SimpleDoc
from gramps.plugins.lib.libnarrate import Narrator
from import utils

database = db
sa = SimpleAccess(database)
narrator = Narrator(database, verbose=True,
                    use_call_name=True, use_fulldate=True)

def get_parents_desc(database, person):
    Return text describing person's parents
    sa = SimpleAccess(database)
    narrator = Narrator(database, verbose=True,
                        use_call_name=True, use_fulldate=True)
    family_handle = person.get_main_parents_family_handle()
    if family_handle:
        family = database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
        mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
        father_handle = family.get_father_handle()
        if mother_handle:
            mother = database.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle)
            mother_name =
            mother_name = ""
        if father_handle:
            father = database.get_person_from_handle(father_handle)
            father_name =
            father_name = ""
        return narrator.get_child_string(father_name, mother_name)

text = "not married"
# Family Details
for family in sa.parent_in(person):
	text = narrator.get_married_string(family)
	if text:
		partner_handle = utils.find_spouse(person, family)
		if partner_handle:
			partner = database.get_person_from_handle(partner_handle)
			text_inlaws = get_parents_desc(database, partner)
			if text_inlaws:
				text += text_inlaws


The 9 lines of change dropped into neatly. (Although it was necessary to add an import).

The developer of the Biography quickview recommends using Title Given "Nickname" SURNAME Suffix custom name format in preferences. The Biography Quickview uses the “Common Name” in the body of its report. (The fallback order of “Common” is: Call Name (if present), Nickname (if present), First name from the Given Name field)

# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2017       A. Guinane
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Display text summary of person events with sources

# Internationalisation
from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
    trans = glocale.get_addon_translator(__file__)
except ValueError:
    trans = glocale.translation
_ = trans.gettext
ngettext = trans.ngettext

from gramps.gen.simple import SimpleAccess, SimpleDoc
from gramps.plugins.lib.libnarrate import Narrator
from import utils

def run(database, document, person):
    Output a text biography of active person
    sa = SimpleAccess(database)
    sd = SimpleDoc(document)
    sd.title(_("Biography for %s") %

    narrator = Narrator(database, verbose=True,
                        use_call_name=True, use_fulldate=True)

    # Birth Details
    text = narrator.get_born_string()
    if text:

    text = narrator.get_baptised_string()
    if text:

    text = narrator.get_christened_string()
    if text:

    text = get_parents_desc(database, person)
    if text:

    # Family Details
    for family in sa.parent_in(person):
        text = narrator.get_married_string(family)
        if text:
            partner_handle = utils.find_spouse(person, family)
            if partner_handle:
                partner = database.get_person_from_handle(partner_handle)
                text_inlaws = get_parents_desc(database, partner)
                if text_inlaws:
                    text += text_inlaws

    # Death Details
    text = narrator.get_died_string(True)
    if text:

    text = narrator.get_buried_string()
    if text:

    # Sources
    for source in get_sources(database, person):

def get_sources(database, person):
    Create list of sources for person's events
    sources = list()
    sa = SimpleAccess(database)
    events =
    # Get family events also
    for family in sa.parent_in(person):
        for event in

    for event in events:
        for handle in event.citation_list:
            citation = database.get_citation_from_handle(handle)
            page =
            source = database.get_source_from_handle(citation.source_handle)
            title = source.title
            author =
            if author:
                source_desc = '* {}; {} - {}'.format(author, title, page)
                source_desc = '* {} - {}'.format(title, page)

            if source_desc not in sources:
    return sources

def get_parents_desc(database, person):
    Return text describing person's parents
    sa = SimpleAccess(database)
    narrator = Narrator(database, verbose=True,
                        use_call_name=True, use_fulldate=True)
    family_handle = person.get_main_parents_family_handle()
    if family_handle:
        family = database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
        mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
        father_handle = family.get_father_handle()
        if mother_handle:
            mother = database.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle)
            mother_name =
            mother_name = ""
        if father_handle:
            father = database.get_person_from_handle(father_handle)
            father_name =
            father_name = ""
        return narrator.get_child_string(father_name, mother_name)

Hi Brian,
Sorry for my english!
I will send you a copy of a report that I want. It was produced by a Genealogy program named Registre G the author Mr Blais. I have the program Registre G but it do not recognize the code to print the report in full

Thanks for your help

Jean Huot


IMGfichemarriage_20240917_0001.pdf (861 KB)

Your English is far better than my French.

We might call that a new report to collate in a “Marriage Registry” form. 3 columns with 2 rows for each listing: groom and parents; bride and parents; marriage place and date.

A new report is more than I able to do.

However, a registry seems well-suited to the Forms feature. We should ask @Nick-Hall and @RenTheRoot: will Forms have a printing feature for report output?

Hi Brian,
It will be great if they can do that. However, you don’t know a wizard that can resolve the problem with my Registre software ?


P.S. Where are you from ? I am from Laval, QC, Canada

No, I had never heard of Registre G.

From the Wayback Machine archives of, it appears their domain started in 2000 and stopped working between 2011 and 2013. Unfortunately, the site always required a log-in. So there is no futher information archived from it.

I am in Austin, Texas (but I don’t speak Spanish either.)

A printing feature for Forms output would be extremely useful. Even more useful would be to fold the report into the Complete Individual Report.

You should be able to use Books to collate Reports.

There is a Quick View shell gramplet for “Quickreports”. Perhaps a shell Report would be possible for Quickreports and Forms

The primary function of a Form is data input. However, it would be possible to use a Form definition in a report. The Census report took the attribute names for its data and column sizes from the definition files.

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To add on to this, I don’t plan on having a report feature in the first major release of the new updates. I do, however, plan on adding a report handler in future small updates to the addon.


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