I don’t think that there is an easy solution right now. Report generation is dependent on one database.
The only workaround to keep them seperate would be to create a new databae and import the other two only for report generation, but you’d have to do that each time you change something in your seperate data managment databases, which is propably too much work to be useful.
What is your reason for keeping them seperate? Maybe joining them would be easier, especially if you want to create reports over both trees regularly?
You will probably find it easier all around to manitain one database.
I have my own tree with all its various branches. But over the years, I have extended my uncle’s (by marriage) branch out for a few generations. And my sister’s husband was adopted by his stepfather. My nephews wanted more on their birth grandfather so I have extended those branches. These branches are there and I have them tagged so I remember who they belong to.
When I send a report to a “cousin” I generate the information based upon their filter. A cousin on my mother’s side do not get people from my father’s branch in their report. And which branch are they in on my mother’s side? Her mother’s or her father’s. The filter figures it out and only includes their relevant branches.
One database means only one Place database to maintain, One Source database. And who knows, maybe you will find a crossover between families.
Instead of thinking of your family and your wife’s family as different Trees, they are just the Branches of your children’s tree.
Yes, it is definitely better to keep everything in one database, rather than separate databases for each branch. For example, I found that one of my great uncles married a fourth cousin of my wife. That sort of link would be difficult to find in separate trees. With everything in one tree, it is easy to use filters to select which families or branches you want for a chart or report.