5.1.6 on windows 10
From time to time, when trying to move down in the people list by selecting the scroll bar, it is not possible to click on the scroll bar without getting the error mouse pointer icon. This icon is saying, you can’t move that line.
Have any of you Gramps window users seen this and have you found a fix?
Are you using Themes addon’s Fixed Scrollbar option that changes the default behavior?
I use Kubuntu, so there is probably no relationship between these problems.
But I have experienced for some time that when I switch from the Relationships view to the People view, especially after I’ve been using the Forms addon to enter census data, that there will no be a scrollbar in the People view.
If I wait long enough, it may reappear, and I can usually get it to reappear by switching to the Events view (or almost any other view) and then back to the People view.
Allen Crider
I had sometimes (not often) the same behavior on Ubuntu 22.04, Gramps 5.1.5. I upgraded to 5.2.1 several days ago. The issue wasn’t repro yet, but maybe will.
On ubuntu, and derivatives like Mint, it is possible to change this behavior with a key named ‘gtk-overlay-scrolling’ in the settings.ini file for GTK 3. And in Mint, I can also change it in the advanced tab of my themes selection window.
This does not work in Windows however, which is why I asked Dave to ask this on the forum. And in my experience, installing the Themes add-on helps a bit, but that may not be the case for everyone.
Thank you. I had to do a little more research, but setting
‘gtk-overlay-scrolling’ to false solved the problem.
I knew that, and mentioned that solution here:
But the problem for Dave is, on Windows 10, that Gramps 5.1.6 does not recognize that key, when you add it to that same settings.ini in Windows. And for that, the Themes add-on might help, or setting some environment variable, which is most likely something like GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING, with underscores in its name, not dashes. I found that on several web pages, but haven’t tested it yet.
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