Is there any way to do sub-sorts in List Views? The Family list is Sorted on the Father by default. And the natural sort after that is be creation order (which is the basis of the beginning of its internal handle). Is there any way to subsort that list by the mother… or by the marriage date… or by the Gramps ID?
If so, I have not found it.
In a spreadsheet, you can subsort manually. After sorting one column, selecting the same range and sorting again on another column will have the any elements that are identical on the new sort key will inherit their relative order from their last sorting.
But it looks like Python always starts again from scratch. The previous sort has no bearing.
At least some of the Sort order rules for a list view mode in Gramps are observable:
- The grouping column of Grouped lists is ALWAYS the primary sort key, any user selected column is a secondary sort key
- sort order defaults to keying on the 1st column (even if it is a hidden column)
- Clicking the header of a different column changes sorting to key on that column
- sort order defaults from from small-to-large/low-to-high, marked with ▲(an Black Up-Pointing Triangle)
- Clicking the header of a column marked with ▲ or ▼ swaps the sort direction
- sorts are case sensitive with Lower Case being smaller
- NULLs and characters outside the alphanumeric set (a-Z and 0-9) are ‘smaller’ than the alphanumeric set
- Sorts are based on FORMATTED strings, not values
- Date sorting has to be overridden in code so that it sorts on VALUE, not formatted strings
- The only manual sort override on a Formatted is in the Name Editor
What else?