Re-ordering data in Gramps (topic expansion outline for wiki)

There are a lot of subtleties related to “Re-ordering” in Gramps. These are the items that came to mind quickly. What other implications should be covered ?

This posting has been converted to a “Wiki”. It is open to editing.

Stock reorder.png Re-order entry in the Gramps Glossary
To change the sequence of items within a list of secondary objects. The interface for (and consequences of) re-ordering that sequence varies based on the list type.
The natural order of a list follows when the data was created. The first item in an ordered list is often considered the primary or preferred item of that type. The primary/preferred may be the only object considered in some charts and analyses. So when data entry of related objects was out of sequence, a re-ordering option becomes necessary.
Re-ordering affects display order in the Tree, charts, and most reports. Note that in some contexts, dates can override the manual order, particularly for Places and Names.

image Merge entry in the Gramps Glossary
To combine the objects in two selected rows in a category view into a single object. This reduces duplicates while consolidating references and secondary objects. The merge process involves selecting two rows (a target row to be kept and a row to be deleted) then choosing Merge from the Toolbar or Edit menu. Choices are offered about which secondary objects take precedence when there are conflicts, but no data (except one of the descriptions in an Event merge) is lost by default. All secondary objects from both selected rows are conveyed to the surviving merged row. Only two objects may be merged at a time unless using addon tools designed for multiple object merges or batches of merges.

Topics to be touched upon in a wiki article

Systems for re-ordering:

  • re-ordering using
    • row sorting in tables (1st column sorting default, clicking the column header, reversing the sort order, disabled sorting have dimmed header labels)
    • re-order buttons (Up/Down for most, Left/Right for object editor Galleries)
    • drag’n’drop
    • Relationships: Edit → Reorder menu item (or Reorder toolbar button)
    • re-ordering tools
  • re-ordering Custom type lists (discourse: using Type Cleanup)
  • re-ordering day, month, and year values in date strings to parser-ready using the Dates addon gramplet


  • sort dates : new features often sort Date columns on the Date display format string rather than the Date value. (e.g., “1 Apr 1987” sorts before “1 Dec 1999”. When noticed, submit a bug report referencing issue 13317)
  • rows in References tabs cannot be re-ordered
  • rules added to Custom Filters are ordered by “last changed” and cannot be re-ordered

Wiki icons


See related items in the MantisBT issue tracker:
  • 0013316 : Add documentation/info about re-ordering Families via the Edit Person dialog
  • 0012058 : strangeness in Family Tree sort order (diacritics sorting)
  • 0012737 : Allow sorting Tags/labels automatically by ASC/DESC
  • 0012828 : When Sorting events for person with many events the event stays at the bottom of the visible list instead of moving upwards
  • 0013027 : Sort events tool – handling of “after” dates
  • 0010656 : Allow sorting on multiple columns in various menus
  • 0011668 : Chaotic sorting of the person index in the dynamic web report
  • 0012070 : reasonable consistent sorting of events in the person edit
  • 0011854 : Add Option to Auto Sort and Auto Sort Event By Date When New Event Entered
  • 0009089 : When adding a child to a family use smarter sorting
  • 0004360 : Add a generic method for sorting children by birthdate on family (
  • 0008509 : files in the “media” get files window, are not correctly sorted
  • 0001949 3 2 : Book report, custom page, editing a style - list sorting - proposition
  • 0010359 : Can’t change default person photo (add Move Left and Move Right button to Edit object Galleries)

3 posts were split to a new topic: Create a sorting priority for types of Events