Bug with Gramplet "Dynamic Web Report"


When I try to generate the repport, I have this message.

262479: ERROR: _reportdialog.py: line 801: Failed to run report.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py", line 760, in report
  File "/home/pierre/.gramps/gramps52/plugins/DynamicWeb/dynamicweb.py", line 809, in write_report
  File "/home/pierre/.gramps/gramps52/plugins/DynamicWeb/dynamicweb.py", line 4108, in _build_obj_dict
  File "/home/pierre/.gramps/gramps52/plugins/DynamicWeb/dynamicweb.py", line 4147, in _add_person
    self._add_event(evt_ref.ref, Person, person_handle, evt_ref)
  File "/home/pierre/.gramps/gramps52/plugins/DynamicWeb/dynamicweb.py", line 4320, in _add_event
    self._add_place(place_handle, bkref_class, bkref_handle)
  File "/home/pierre/.gramps/gramps52/plugins/DynamicWeb/dynamicweb.py", line 4356, in _add_place
    if not self.database.has_place_handle(place_handle):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/proxy/proxybase.py", line 887, in has_place_handle
    self.gfilter(self.include_place, self.db.get_place_from_handle(handle))
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/proxy/private.py", line 128, in get_place_from_handle
    return sanitize_place(self.db, place)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/proxy/private.py", line 1036, in sanitize_place
    copy_citation_ref_list(db, place, new_place)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/proxy/private.py", line 508, in copy_citation_ref_list
    citation = db.get_citation_from_handle(citation_handle)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/db/generic.py", line 1359, in get_citation_from_handle
    return self._get_from_handle(CITATION_KEY, Citation, handle)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/db/generic.py", line 1341, in _get_from_handle
    raise HandleError("Handle %s not found" % handle)
gramps.gen.errors.HandleError: Handle f7bb49a960d250ad6d0daf9384e not found

I think I have a problem with a python package but I can not identificate it … Can someone help me ?


@geoglorus, to me, that looks like a bug, and not your fault.

yes, I had something similar in Narrated website…, tried to research the problem. It was related to private-filter as I remember. @geoglorus you can try disable all filters (export all data). Will it work?

I have the same problem removing the privacy filter …

@Researcher John, does this also affect DWR B ?

I’ve tested and I have the same issue

50953: ERROR: _reportdialog.py: line 801: Failed to run report.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py", line 760, in report
  File "/home/pierre/.gramps/gramps52/plugins/DynamicWebB/dynamicwebB.py", line 805, in write_report
  File "/home/pierre/.gramps/gramps52/plugins/DynamicWebB/dynamicwebB.py", line 4314, in _build_obj_dict
  File "/home/pierre/.gramps/gramps52/plugins/DynamicWebB/dynamicwebB.py", line 4344, in _add_person
    self._add_event(evt_ref.ref, Person, person_handle, evt_ref)
  File "/home/pierre/.gramps/gramps52/plugins/DynamicWebB/dynamicwebB.py", line 4503, in _add_event
    self._add_place(place_handle, bkref_class, bkref_handle)
  File "/home/pierre/.gramps/gramps52/plugins/DynamicWebB/dynamicwebB.py", line 4534, in _add_place
    if not self.database.has_place_handle(place_handle):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/proxy/proxybase.py", line 887, in has_place_handle
    self.gfilter(self.include_place, self.db.get_place_from_handle(handle))
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/proxy/private.py", line 128, in get_place_from_handle
    return sanitize_place(self.db, place)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/proxy/private.py", line 1036, in sanitize_place
    copy_citation_ref_list(db, place, new_place)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/proxy/private.py", line 508, in copy_citation_ref_list
    citation = db.get_citation_from_handle(citation_handle)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/db/generic.py", line 1359, in get_citation_from_handle
    return self._get_from_handle(CITATION_KEY, Citation, handle)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/gen/db/generic.py", line 1341, in _get_from_handle
    raise HandleError("Handle %s not found" % handle)
gramps.gen.errors.HandleError: Handle f7bb49a960d250ad6d0daf9384e not found

But I think it’s a problem with Python because I used DWR without any problem a few days ago and the problem appeared after I installed the python3-pip package for another gramplet (I’ve since uninstalled the other gramplet and the python3-pip but the problem is still there).

I have just run some tests on both the standard Dynamic Web and my under-construction Dynamic Web B. I ran the Gramps example database with and without the privacy filter turned on.
All reports ran to completion and I could open the reports in my browser and look at Big Louie and his family. As expected, people whose entries were marked private were not in the report if the private records filter was on.

Help - About shows:

GRAMPS: AIO64-5.2.3-r1-aa03f5a
Python: 3.11.9
BSDDB: 6.2.9 (6, 0, 30)
sqlite: 3.46.0 (2.6.0)
OS: Windows

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What python lib does DWR or yours report need ?

I don’t know enough about this but I think that the grampsw python interpreter must be 3.11.9, based on the About data.

I use VS Code as my python development environment and when I run

python --version

the VS Code terminal returns

Python 3.13.1

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I have

GRAMPS :  5.2.3 
Python :  3.12.8 
BSDDB :  not found 
sqlite :  3.46.1 (2.6.0)
LANG :  fr_FR.UTF-8
Système : Linux
Distribution : 6.8.0-51-generic

Maybe @Nick-Hall or @SNoiraud have an idea of where the problem comes …

What kind of error do you have?
I have never used this report because it creates too large files for my database.
I just tested it and I have no problem with it but I have python 3.10.12

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The HandleError is raised when an object that is expected to be in the database cannot be found. This can be the result of a broken link.

I notice that you are running the report with the private proxy. As a test, it would be interesting to see if you get the same error with no proxy selected.

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Did you try Tools → Family tree repair ?


I try and it works. It was so easy, I’m a little bit confused. thank you for the help.

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