Bold text hard to see on tabs

Well it seems that my OLD is catching up with me and I’m finding it hard to tell the difference between the regular text and bold text on tabs in the different editor dialogs. Is there a way to also add a color to the bold text to make it stand out more?

The bold text also has an icon to indicate having records in that tab. Does that help?

If not, you can use the Themes addon for preferences to increase the font size or choose a clear font family.

Worst case, since you’re on a Linux box, you can use a CSS explorer (such as Gtk Inspector) and tweak the Tab header CSS to add a color along with the bold.

Boy my eyes are getting bad, never noticed the icons. Scaled the screen an extra 10%, that helped.

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Another CSS tweak shared in a bug report comment, is to increase the thickness of the Progress Bar for long processes.

Since you may choose to let Gramps progress while you do something else, it is helpful to have the bar more visible from across the room.

@Nick-Hall Note: You can change the height of the progress bars by putting the following in your gramps.css file:

progress, trough {
  min-height: 15px;

The gramps.css is in the DATA_DIR folder, which can be found by running the Constants script the Python Evaluation gramplet.

DATA_DIR paths for various OSes:

  • Fedora
    (NOT HIDDEN) DATA_DIR : /home/<username>/.local/share/gramps
  • Windows 10
    (NOT HIDDEN) DATA_DIR : C:\Program Files\GrampsAIO64-6.0.0\share\gramps

And the User CSS for Themes
(NOT HIDDEN) USER_CSS : C:\Users\test\AppData\Local\gramps\css