About the Gramps Web onboarding wizard

There is mention of an onboarding wizard in the Managing Users section of Gramps Web “Users” documentation.

Have any users gone through the onboarding wizard yet? Maybe someone could give an overview of what tasks it addresses? It it about setting up a Tree? Or the admin stuff (users? security? appearance?) for the website?

(I am having some confusion navigating the documentation menu on my mobile device. It is difficult to grasp the scope of the documentation outline.
It is reasonable to expect the documentation will be fragmentary for such a big and quickly evolving project.
So it is hard to tell if the written information does not exist yet or is in a undiscovered documentation branch.)

The desktop interface for GitHub is easier to navigate. Found the following Issue: Onboarding wizard #76

It would be nice having an onboarding wizard that allows uploading a family tree, media, and creating an admin account. It would require the following steps.

:ballot_box_with_check: Detect that onboarding is necessary (depends on implementation in backend)
:ballot_box_with_check: Show admin user creation form and create user on submit (backend:
Allow adding admin user on empty database gramps-webapi#288)
:ballot_box_with_check: Show family tree upload form and upload to import endpoint (backend: Endpoint for importing Gramps XML gramps-webapi#287)
:ballot_box_with_check: Allow configuring e-mail credentials for e-mail notifications (backend: Allow partial configuration changes gramps-webapi#294)

It’s briefly mentioned here but it’s true that this part of the documentation needs to be revamped and expanded.

I was thinking of splitting the “Getting Started” section (which is getting out of hand) into an “Overview” (ideas for better names welcomed) and an “Admin guide” section.

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