Gramps.js how do I get started with the workflow for this

I recently found my way to Gramps.js from a self hosted forum/sub reddit and I’m trying to figure out if I’m doing things wrong or if I’m just missing things. I’m trying to determine if the web ui for Gramps is technically complete or if I’m pulling a bad docker image tag because I cannot work out how to use the software. I’m excited that this tool exists and am eternally greatful however I’m genuinely unsure if it’s considered production ready. I really don’t think that its fair to have to rely on tools like Facebook to accomplish what I believe I can do here. Thanks for enabling those of us who don’t wish to sell our family’s data for access to the poor at best value additions that things like facebook brings in exchange for private data.

After having read a few of the Gramps.js github issues it seems to be either a WIP tool or its just missing components. I hope that I can revisit this software in the future to find that there is more spit and polish in the already very pretty UI its a nice refresh to other offerings that appear to solve this problem I just hope that soon it’s ready or at least gets some love in the documentation department.

This fork has been undergoing massive change since @DavidMStraub announced the beta in July '21.

The “gramps.js : a web frontend to your Gramps database” thread has just be re-opened. This question is a continuation of that topic if David still considers it in beta cycle.

But if gramps.js is considered to be in full public release, it might be good to start a fresh thread.


Gramps.js is just the frontend of Gramps Web nowadays.

Documentation: Introduction - Gramps Web

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