2-space indents for Wiki ToC?

The wiki’s Table of Contents style changed a few months ago.

The 2-space indent per level in the Table of Contents reverted to 4 spaces per level. (It might 1/4 inch indents reverted to 1/2 inch if the style is defined in inches rather than pica.)

That has a big impact on usability on the small screens of smartphone browsers and in the PDF offline manual. We have too many levels to burn that much space per level.

Please reset them to the smaller indents.

The PDF offline manual does not include the imbedded ToC from the main User Manual page. It generates it itself in the PDF creation phase of the process.

If the offline PDF ToC needs reformated, I need to understand exactly what needs changed as this is done via a style sheet (not my forte).

It needs to be fixed for the wiki too. The PDF will probably inherit the style change.

So you might not need to do anything for the PDF side.

(Are you using the Wiki’s stylesheet even though you’re compiling the ToC yourself?)

When I generate the offline PDF, I process each wiki page and I remove any TOC using a style sheet (below).

div.toc { display: none;}

This suppresses the portion of a page that might have a ToC in it. The rest of the wiki page uses the appropriate style. I also remove some of the headers and footers (Language Bar, header Navigation Bar, …)

This generates an HTML file for each wiki page.

I then separately generate a ToC using a custom style sheet and put it in the front of the PDF. I created this style sheet - not from the gramps style sheet. I then add all of the HTML generated pages into the PDF.

So if there is an issue with the PDF ToC style, I have to fix it in the custom style sheet I use in its creation.

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Re-downloaded the PDF. It’s indents are fine. Your reconstituted ToC resolved that issue.

The wiki CSS will have to still be addressed though.

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