Where is the Gramps distribution of Python on Windows?

I wish to use the Photo Tagging Gramplet’s Automatic detection of faces feature and I need to install Opencv and Numpy to do that.

Where must I do the pip command (or what command must I do) to install these libraries and let them be available to the Python distribution installed and used by Gramps (on Windows)?

I haven’t tried this but… there is Python Shell Gramplet. You could try getting the path info from it :

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The python code that Windows needs to run Gramps is a part of the Gramps install. The AIO that is part of the install file’s name stands for All In One. A Windows user does need Python installed to run Gramps.

With the Gramps AIO (All in one installer bundle ) this is not possible; as your link clearly shows the following in the issues section:

10913 Face detection does NOT work in the[Microsoft Windows] AIO bundle(s). As near as I can tell, the required cv2 (OpenCV) and numpy prerequisites would approximately triple the size of the AIO download and installation. So they are not included.

You would need to do a manual installation of Gramps following these instructions:

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I’ve tried that commands in the Python Shell Gramplet:

> import sys
> for p in sys.path: 
-     print(p)

They returns me:

C:\Program Files\GrampsAIO64-5.1.3\gramps
C:\Program Files\GrampsAIO64-5.1.3
C:\Program Files\GrampsAIO64-5.1.3\lib
C:\Program Files\GrampsAIO64-5.1.3\lib/python36.zip
C:\Program Files\GrampsAIO64-5.1.3\lib\python3.6

C:\Program Files\GrampsAIO64-5.1.3\lib\python3.6\lib-dynload

But what if I superseeded python path with OS installed version path (C:\Program Files (x86)\Python37-32)? Does Gramps will use it? Is it even possible while gramps is running (or before, in a start script)? And if so, I could install any library needed using a pip command and Gramps should see it.

P.S. I notice this directory doesn’t exists : C:\Program Files\GrampsAIO64-5.1.3\lib\python3.6
Is there a way to use it ? Creating that directory, installing Python 3.6 (regularly or from zip file in the lib directory?) in it and everything I need like opencv and numpy using pip from there?

@daleathan Thanks for manual installation link, but if possible, I look at something less complicated. I’ll use it at the last end only

Plan B: A Linux VM dedicated to Gramps…

It’s time to open up the usage of native installed Python libraries, both on Mac and Windows…

How about just add a “Native installed Python Path” to Gramps Settings.


Ok, it’s your time; sometimes complicated ends up being faster than fluffing around with an already prebuilt AIO on Windows!

Good luck.