Hello there.
Extremely new to the world of gramps and grampsweb so please feel free to point me to somewhere if this has already been answered or somewhere on Introduction - Gramps Web. But basically what the topic says. I was trying to look through logs to see my issue.
Some context if needed. I have Gramps latest version (windows) that I use as master/edits with a gramps web for my guests to view things online etc.
Recently I made many adds/edits in Gramps via the import and merge tool where my tree person count went from 130ish to 600+. When I tried to sync with Gramps Web Sync (which I have done many times successfully) it brought the site down… As in I could no longer hit my gramps web site. I figure it’s the volume of the data I am pushing and how I have sized my gcp instance. When I went to see what the logs say on gcp, I could not find them, easily (under docker image.). Hence the post
Thanks in advance for any help
Gramps 5.2.2
Gramps Web API 2.4.2
Gramps Web Frontend 24.8.0
Gramps QL 0.3.0
locale: en
multi-tree: false
task queue: true