Error 502 => self hosting

Hi all,

I used docker-compose to install gramps-web on my synology Diskstation.

If I visit Gramp in my local network (http://nas:8080) everything works fine. But I want to have extern access and therefore I configured a NGINX Proxy before, created a sudomain and letsencrypt certs.

On this way I can login and everything seems to be fine. But sometimes when i click a link, i get a Error 502 and nothin happens.

Where can I find more information about this error? Is there any log?
Can anybody help me with this error?

Thank a lot

My env:
GRAMPSWEB_TREE: “Gramps Web” # will create a new tree if not exists
GRAMPSWEB_CELERY_CONFIG__broker_url: “redis://grampsweb_redis:6379/0”
GRAMPSWEB_CELERY_CONFIG__result_backend: “redis://grampsweb_redis:6379/0”
GRAMPSWEB_RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URI: “redis://grampsweb_redis:6379/1”

My system:
Gramps 5.2.2
Gramps Web API 2.4.2
Gramps Web Frontend 24.8.0
Gramps QL 0.3.0
locale: en
multi-tree: false
task queue: true

docker compose logs grampsweb
docker compose logs grampsweb_celery

Error 502 always comes from Nginx, so also inspect your nginx logs.