Gramps web docker novice

So I’m probably the worst guy for support for this as I’m not a full time IT nerd, only once in a blue moon nerd. so I apologize in advance. I consider myself saavy enough with CLI and linux, but completely new to Docker. Using Docker, I’ve installed grampsweb on a Raspberry pi on ‘ip Address X’ on my home network. I ran ‘sudo docker compose up -d’ and seem to get ‘running status’ in the terminal window. Docker ps -a shows (after about 8 minutes of waiting) what appears to be a running container.

On a 2nd computer (MBP), I’m attempting to connect to grampsweb on the PI…and I can ping the PI no problem. but when entering someting like I get nothing. I’ve tried :80, :5000, http://…still nothing.

I will note that Docker ps -a shows an entry:>5000/tcp. …and this is where my part time ignorance comes in. Perhaps that’s running on localhost and not being made available to the IP of the PI for outside connections from another computer on the LAN? Any IT expertise and ‘obviousness’ of the problem would be much appreciated. its been some time since i’ve messed with this stuff and never with regards to Docker.

Hi, welcome to the worlds of Gramps Web and Docker :wink:

Indeed you should use http:// for port 80 and that should work. If it doesn’t, I suggest to use some simple “Hello world” container to first debug any issues that have nothing to do with Gramps Web, e.g. using this GitHub - Einsteinish/docker-nginx-hello-world: SIngle page docker nginx

docker run -p 80:80 -d dockerbogo/docker-nginx-hello-world

Thank you for responding and thank you for your work David. Its nice to know my ‘strategy and knowledge’ were correct…and indeed I think I may have found the problem this morning. …an inadequate Raspberry PI 3!..a poor choice probably, but it was sitting on a shelf doing nothing :stuck_out_tongue:

Its working now, simply by letting the page “load” after nearly 10 minutes. Previously I was assuming some ‘time out’ scenario and rebooting the Pi out of sheer impatience.

I couldn’t help but notice how slow this PI ran, even logging on resulted in several minutes between entering my user name and password…not my normal Pi experience.

I think its time to try this again on a more robust CPU.

Thank you again for your work and I apologize in advance for my future questions as I navigate this web/Desktop integration as a part-time IT tech.

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Hey David,

I’m trying to install gramps web on a headless Pi so I can’t check via localhost:80 to test if it’s functional. I do have port forwarding setup on my router on the Pi’s IP for ports 80, 5000 and 5055. I think those are the ports I need, don’t think I need to specify 80 though.

Is there a way to test Docker/nginx another way, locally, to try and debug issues?

Hi, again I would try with something super simple (i.e. not even Gramps Web) to make sure your port forwarding etc. works as expected.