What is the best way take into account people's social statuses?

Sometimes I found ancestors with the same fullnames in different social statuses in the documents. For example: a Cossack, a burgher, a peasant, a soldier, a landowner… This information helps me to understand which of them can be my ancestor and who cannot.
How would you make it?
Via events the same like “Residence”? But Im not sure this looks good push such cases into events. I would say event - is something what happened with a person. But social status was not happened, the person usually was born and dead in the same social status. This is not so similar to the event.
What do you think what is it? Event, attribute or something else? How do you save such data?

Those examples sounded more like occupations than social classes.

For those examples, I would use Occupation events and put the trade or profession in the description.

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and what about similar case but for social classes, not for occupations? Which event is the best for this?

Use the individual “Caste” attribute, not an event.

Gedcom defines this as “The name of an individual’s rank or status in society which is sometimes based on racial or religious differences, or differences in wealth, inherited rank, profession, or occupation.”


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