There are add-ons that have not been collected in the Gramps-Project repository. (Adding an experimental Addon is intimidating. Not only due to the vetting process but also the Sync’ing is worriesome. i.e., controlling what will be submitted is confusing.) They are scattered around GitHub and the Net.
It is difficult to remember which pieces that you collect from where. (They come from so many different paths.) So, like the “What patches are vital to you” thread, it seemed like another cross-reference thread would be useful.
This is just a starting list. (Sorry if I missed your contributions.) Add to it at your convenience:
Brian McCullough
- tweaking Gramplets for novice UX (emyoulation GitHub repositories)
Christopher Horn:
- CardView view modes
Chris Laws (Claws)
- Gramps2Gource (external utility for converting .gramps XML files to a Pedigree visualization in Gource)
- GeoFinder (external utility for harmonizing Place data in cloned GEDCOM and Gramps XML files)
Eric Doutreleau (grocanar/glopglop)
For 4 Rules, 2 Exporters, a Report, a Tool and a Report:
- GedcomforGeneanet
- ExportGenewebPlus
- a diverse collection of additional addons in the grocanar GitHub repository
Gary Griffin
dnasegmentmapgramplet (5.1 release)- sample report (discussed in Discourse thread “sample report for new developers”)
- a collection of ‘detailed’ reports shared via eMail on 28 Mar 2021
Hans Boldt:
- Tangled Web (WordPress publishing with Gramps)
- Consanguinity gramplet
- deepgallery gramplet
- WikiTree gramplet
Jean Michault:
Project name: jmichault Internet 5.2
- PersonFS gramplet (FamilySearch)
Kari Kujansuu:
- add-multiple-events quickview to share/clone an Event to selected family members
- FilterParams tool
- Recent Items library (shortcuts to last 6 objects at top of object selectors)
- Simple Sidebar
- Do You Know Your Family quiz tool
- Full Text tool for a global “whoosh” search
- reload plugins tool (for developer) force tweaks to plugin code to be recognized without restarting Gramps
- tool launcher gramplet
Thom Sturgill
- ThomsWeb (variant of the Narrative Web report for Gramps 2.2)
- WebCal (appache server web calendar for Gramps data)
Tim G. L. Lyons (kulath):
- CheckCensus Quick Report
- Download media files from the internet tool
Tom Samstag (tecknicaltom):
- ancestrygramplet gramplet - interface for adding Ancestry citations