What are your favorite plug-ins which have not been distributed?

There are add-ons that have not been collected in the Gramps-Project repository. (Adding an experimental Addon is intimidating. Not only due to the vetting process but also the Sync’ing is worriesome. i.e., controlling what will be submitted is confusing.) They are scattered around GitHub and the Net.

It is difficult to remember which pieces that you collect from where. (They come from so many different paths.) So, like the “What patches are vital to you” thread, it seemed like another cross-reference thread would be useful.

This is just a starting list. (Sorry if I missed your contributions.) Add to it at your convenience:

Brian McCullough

  • tweaking Gramplets for novice UX (emyoulation GitHub repositories)

Christopher Horn:

Chris Laws (Claws)

  • Gramps2Gource (external utility for converting .gramps XML files to a Pedigree visualization in Gource)


  • GeoFinder (external utility for harmonizing Place data in cloned GEDCOM and Gramps XML files)

Eric Doutreleau (grocanar/glopglop)


For 4 Rules, 2 Exporters, a Report, a Tool and a Report:


Gary Griffin

Hans Boldt:

Jean Michault:

Project name:  jmichault Internet 5.2

Kari Kujansuu:


Thom Sturgill

  • ThomsWeb (variant of the Narrative Web report for Gramps 2.2)
  • WebCal (appache server web calendar for Gramps data)

Tim G. L. Lyons (kulath):

Tom Samstag (tecknicaltom):

Uli (Hans U. F.)

  • a spectrum of reports are in the Uli22 Github repositories (This repository will take some dedicated exploring. Among others, it has reports that write data ready for visualization tools like Mayavi and visone.)

This gramplet is part of the official repository.

This was written as a sample/template for writing Reports using some of the more common objects. No interest was expressed in publishing, so it was never published officially.

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Thanks. Corrected. I knew the DNA segment map was published. But associating your name with that tool gives the other plugin’s more credibility.

Actually, I think the items sent by eMail were different. They had separate registrations which made them a bit more digestible.

a sample/template for writing Reports using some of the more common objects. No interest was expressed in publishing, so it was never published officially.

Added and linked the Sample. Thanks.

My opinion is that we need to discover out how to distribute the sample that allows it to be used for tutorial purposes. Distributing through the Plug-in Management system would cause Registration Conflicts. It is too useful as built. So the prospective developer will want a copy that is intact. So they would have to discover how to make the clone register as unique … which creates a lot of opportunity to make it not load. And the registration failure messaging is almost concealed and very vague if you do find it. But I think the sample is valuable… enough that it was worth putting in time to make that thumbnail for the docs.

I have not come up with a good way to make a coding tutorial. The MediaWiki method for including sample code mangles the white space and is not friendly to copy’n’paste. Discourse is much better that way. But it is not well-suited to collaborative editing.

If the addon is read-only, we only check that it doesn’t contain any malicious code. Code quality is not important we prefer code that conforms to the Gramps coding standards.

For addons that write to the family tree, we ask that no hidden changes are made. The addon should only write data that the user would reasonably expect. A preview would be one way to ensure this, but it depends on the usage.