Ubuntu 24.04: Upgrading gramps 5.1.6 => 5.2.3 โ€“ flatpak/flathub or deb?

I have used Gramps 5.1 on Ubuntu 22.04. Now I upgraded to 24.04 which comes with 5.1.6 and which also works with my previous data.

I would now upgrade to Gramps 5.2.3. I already did a data backup :slight_smile:

Now, I think that I would prefer the deb to flatpak, because my many, many media files are in a special directory that is neither Documents, Downloads, and Pictures (as flatpack wants it).

What confuses me is that on Gramps โ€“ Free Genealogy Software ยป Download it says:

So only a deb package for 20.04 and 22.04. Is the 22.04 deb also compatible with 24.04?

Yes, it is. It works on the latest Ubuntu, and Mint, both Ubuntu and Debian flavors.

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