Install V5.2.2 on LMDE6 (Debian)

I am currently using V5.1.6 on LMDE6.

Where can I find the .deb package for Debian?

The link from the wiki doesn’t work

Looking at Assets under the 5.2.2 release notes on github


The Flathub Gramps flatpak might be a better option.

Thanks! I was confused by the addition of Ubuntu… which didn’t exist before.

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Do you think you could comment on the Gramps page for Linux Mint after you install the Gramps update (and have tested it for about a week)?

That page hasn’t had a ‘review’ for 3 years and could benefit from a suggestion for people searching for the fresher version. Maybe a push for the package maintainers would be reasonable.

OK, I just installed it.

I can’t select my media directory! It’s under /media/user/etc.

If I enter the path manually, the field is empty after a restart :frowning:

I’m probably not allowed to choose the directories in the Flatpak myself?

I’ve never worked with Flatpak before :wink:

That is most likely to mean that there is a problem reading and writing to your gramps.ini settings file in your Gramps User Directory.

Shut down Gramps. Then find that file and delete (or rename) it. Afterwards, restart Gramps and change a few things in the Edit ‐> Preferences dialog … like the Base Media Path"s folder. Shut down Gramps again.

If those changes still do not persist when you restart Gramps, then there’s a bigger issue.

I have done. gramps.ini deleted. Restart… When selecting a directory, /media/… is NOT offered, as if it didn’t exist. But it is :wink:

There is an SSD mounted under /media/… that I have always worked with, of course also with Gramps.

Enno has informed me (correctly) that I’m outta my depth. He says the Ubuntu 22.04 .deb should work with LMDE6

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To add tho @emyoulation 's comment. I think that the flatpak was updated to access the full home directory, but I bet that it does not allow access to a media folder mounted under the file system root, like your /media


Thank you for your efforts! I have now uninstalled Flatpak and activated V 5.1.6 again.

But I will install 5.2.2 later and report back if necessary. I think there were missing dependencies under LMDE6 that I couldn’t judge.

Thanks also to @ennoborg!

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I’m still on Mint 21.3, but I often test things with LMDE 6, so if you find missing dependencies, please let me know.

Normally, when you install 5.1.6 from the Debian software library, it will take care of all the dependencies, and AFAIK, the ones needed by 5.2.2 are the same, so if you install that without removing 5.1.6, they should be there.

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Thank you for your attention!

PangoCairo is not present, but libpangocairo-1.0-0 (1.50.12+ds-1) is

xdg-utils (Manual check see instructions link)
But v1.1.3-4.1 is available

librsvg2 (Manual check see instructions link)

Also available v2.54.7+dfsg-1~deb12u1

What do you mean with that?
language-pack-gnome-xx (Manual check see instructions link) for your Language

Somehow I can’t find these instructions links?

Do I have any problems with these requirements?

I just created a new LMDE 6 setup on a fresh partition, multi boot with Mint 21.3, and started with from the standard software library, which took care of all the dependencies. And after that, I installed the Ubuntu 22.04 deb from this link:

And with these steps, which I always take when I try a new Linux, I see none of the messages that you mentioned here.

What steps did you take to see these things? And are any of these related to add-ons that you installed afterwards?

The page that you mentioned in your 1st message is heavily outdated, and should not be relied on, IMO.

@ennoborg is correct. Flathub is concerned about security from flatpak sandboxes, so they don’t like to approve flatpaks with system access or even certain xdg directories in /home/[user] used by system installed apps. Even the current home directory access for the Gramps flatpak is somewhat of a compromise with Flathub. So by default, the Gramps flatpak can only access the user’s home directory. However, users can use another flatpak app called “Flatseal” to alter the default security settings for any installed flatpak app (like in this case “Flatseal” can add access to a system mounted hard drive for the Gramps flatpak).


I would suggest checking the Gramps github for current dependencies for Gramps 5.2. Please note that xdg-utils is no longer a dependency for Gramps 5.2, although it is a dependency for earlier versions of Gramps.

Since each linux distribution often has different names and versions for dependency packages available in their repositories, exact names for each dependency are not available in the list above. You can search the link below for the package names for Debian 12 Bookworm (LMDE 6)
another way to find package names in any distribution that uses “apt” is to use a keyword in an apt search. So, to see what language packs are available in the repo you could use

apt-cache search language-pack-gnome

The above command should result in a long list of available language packs with a short description for each package.


First of all, thank you again to everyone who is paying attention to me!

I’ve been using Gramps for about 10 years, initially on Windows. So far I’ve dealt with it quite well when there were new versions. Unfortunately I’m currently having problems with it :wink:

I come from Germany, in my time there were no English classes in my school. However, over the years and through working with PCs, I can understand English well, although I need a translator to write. :wink:

As @ennoborg wrote, I have now proceeded. Gramps 5.1.6 uninstalled.

Installed v from the sources of LMDE6. The settings for the directories etc. are created there.

Uninstalled Gramps but left .gramps in the home.

I then installed v 5.2.2 and the data from ‘.gramps/gramps51/gramps.ini’ was imported automatically.

I then created a new DB and imported the family tree previously saved under Gramps 5.1.6. No problem after the directory was adapted to the media.

Then I loaded the PrerequisitesCheckerGramplet plugin for v 5.2.2 and put it in the plugin directory and restarted Gramps.

And after that, for example,

• Pango 1.50.12 (Passed: Version 1.29.3 or higher installed.)
• PangoCairo 1.0
• Berkeley Database library (bsddb3: 5.3.28) (Python-bsddb3: 6.2.9)

reported. But I couldn’t find the PangoCairo 1.0 mentioned, which confused me :wink:

For me it doesn’t output anything in the terminal

But one more question… shouldn’t I, as in the past, have my completely old .gramps (there are also created filter plugins etc.) taken over when reinstalling?

And now everyone have a nice rest of your Sunday!

I should have given an example to search for pangocairo instead of the language pack, since I forgot that Debian deals with language packs in another way than apt. Below is just an example since pangocairo keeps coming up, but this command could be used for other dependencies also.

apt-cache search pangocairo

Among the results, you will find the package name for the gi bindings to help Gramps use pangocairo. I think it is gir1.2-pango-1.0 but you should verify. The Gramps Github dependency list does mention that the gi bindings for certain dependencies are needed too. Make sure to look at the Github dependency list for 5.2 since it is current.

Regarding the .gramps and plugin question. Plugins setup for Gramps 5.1 might not work for 5.2. Hopefully someone else can help with that.

You’re right, it’s available here

apt-cache search pangocairo
librust-pangocairo-dev - Rust bindings for the PangoCairo library - Rust source code
librust-pangocairo-sys-dev - FFI bindings to libgtk-3 - Rust source code
gir1.2-pango-1.0 - Gestaltung und Darstellung von internationalisiertem Text - gir-Anbindung
libpangocairo-1.0-0 - Gestaltung und Anzeige internationalisierten Textes

I should probably have Graphviz 2.43, but the only option is 2.42.2-7+b3. Can this become a problem?

How do you mean ‘taken over’?

P.S. my guess is that you meant something like ‘übernommen’. Is that right?

In English, I would use the term “convey”.

The custom filters are in a separate settings file (called custom_filters.xml) but in the same folder as the gramps.ini file. (Other settings files that convey between releases in the Gramps User Directory: tool_options.xml, report_options.xml, books.xml, and various XML files for custom styles for various Reports.)