"Timeline Pedigree" addon web pages report

Back in 2020, Manuela Kugel created a Web Pages report and quietly asked the Developer mail list to publish it through the Addon management system.

That ‘publishing’ happened… but her addon was never added to the Addons List nor was a wiki page created.

Because new addons tend to become lost in Mass Downloads, this report never got the attention it deserved. (It did not help that it was published at the beginning of the pandemic and while we were preoccupied with getting content into this new and barren Discourse forum before it could fail.) I think the lack of response caused the contributor to move on to other projects. 2 years later, she posted the Alva Genealogieprogramm to GitHub and started the alva.ur-ahn.de website.

The report arranges the persons in the pedigree aligned by birthdate.

In the last week (4 years late), we added both a listing and an addon wikipage for the Timeline Pedigree web pages report.

However, I am not an explorer of reports… probably because of the delayed gratification. So if someone wanted to explore and explain options (the “Size” options in particular), then that would be most helpful.

@Serge – is there a similar option in Narrated Website report? If not, this looks like it might complement pages there.

General tab

  • Center Person
  • Year of Birth of Center Person
  • Destination directory
  • Filename
  • Default Age
  • Translation
  • Date format

What to show tab

  • Show GrampsID
  • Optimize

Color tab

  • Male Box Color
  • Female Box Color

Size tab

  • Number of pixel per year
  • Offset X Coordinate
  • Offset Y Coordinate
  • Width of a box in pixel
  • Horizontal space between boxes in pixel
  • Length of vertical part of a line in pixel
  • Number of pixel between left border and scale

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The TimePedigreeHtml.gpr.py annotation was explicit that this report was written for use with the Narrated Website report.

Just added PR 622 to improve the description and add a help_url link.

Could you review the Timeline Pedigree report to determine if changes are needed to make it integrate more cleanly with the Narrated Web Site report?

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