The lgeanealogy archives at someone else's ftp

@prculley just revised the table column of database schema capability x-ref to Gramps versions. (Thanks Paul!)

And the the note afterwards caught my eye. It raises two questions:

  1. is the assumption correct that “lgenealogy” stands for “Linux Genealogy”?
  2. should these archived images (of Gramps recovery tools) be mirrored on an ftp server that the gramps-project controls?

From Gramps XML - Gramps


To convert an old Gramps XML file you could use VirtualBox or Vmware and the old lgenealogy images from:

Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH [Mit Beschrnkter Haftung] Göttingen
( or Society for scientific data processing mbH [with limited liability] in the university city of Göttingen in Goettingen district, Lower Saxony, Germany)

Your assumption is right, and the CD’s are already available in other locations, see:

So it may be better to replace the note with a link to this page, and maybe add the German FTP site to that.

Note: When I tested things, it looked like the ISO for version 3 was invalid somehow. Windows complained when I tried to open it in explorer, which should normally mount it as an extra drive, and VirtualBox didn’t recognize it as bootable. I think that it had problems with version 2 too.

Version 4 looked OK, but when I tried the GRDB files sent by Willem, Gramps 3.0.1 told me that there was an error with that file, without further explanation.

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