SSL: Certificate Verify Failed on Addon Manager

Gramps version 2.0, windows 11.

Hi all,

I’m struggling to get the addons back after updating Gramps. This is my screen:

Why do no addons show up?

Thanks for any help.

See the new Addon Manager section of the 5.2 manual. But you probably need to click the Refresh button before anything will show up.

I have done everything noted in the manual, and I have clicked the refresh button. Moreover, the link ( gives me a 404 error when I just paste it into Chrome. So I’m not sure what else to do?

It is expected that the URL you listed will give a 404 error. What is shown in the Addon Manager is just the base string for the actual file. Gramps figures out the rest from your OS native language.

Following is the full string for English. Does that JSON file load for you when touched directly with the fully qualified URL?

There is a addons-en_GB.json file. But I do not see an Australian dialect in the folder. I wonder if it doesn’t fallback to ‘no dialect’ properly?

No, it doesn’t. I can access the json file in chrome now of course but Gramps still can’t find any matching addons from using it as a project.
Is there a way to simply add all the addons manually?

Can you try starting Gramps using the console shortcut looks like “GrampsAIO64 5.2.0-console” in the win 11 program menu. This will popup a console window (on my system it is a black box with the title of the shortcut) and hopefully any error should appear in that box so that you can copy and paste here.

Other possibilities are you have firewall or antivirus software that is blocking Gramps?

Manually installing addons described in the following section

I actually didn’t think about that, thanks. There are definitely a bunch of errors, but I can’t decipher it as I don’t know much about it.

2024-02-25 15:27:16.805: WARNING: line 231: Failed to open addon metadata for en <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self-signed certificate in certificate chain (_ssl.c:1006)>

The main problem is that your system doesn’t seem to trust the self-signed certificate in the SSL chain. You probably need to create an exception in your OS’s trust policies.

But it looks like you also changed the path in the Projects tab to the Fully qualified URL. You NEVER do that in Gramps Addon Manager. You only use that full filepath for verifying access from a Browser. So you’ll need to restore the original path.

Use the Restore Project Defaults button in the Projects tab.

Yes, you can install manually. But that would be a workaround. We need to figure out a persistent fix since Addons continually evolve.

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I see, I have restored the path.
I have manually installed everything but I agree it is only a work around. While Gramps and all its plugins are now working for me, hopefully I will find a more permanent solution.

Thanks for your help!

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