Search/find missing stuff

Win 8.1, GrampsAIO64-5.1.3-2
How can I search or find those individuals with a missing event such as Education or Military? I have much success in finding those with a specific event but cannot find any document on the negative find.

Thank you
Michael Dietz

You can do this by creating a custom filter. Use the filter rule “People with the personal <event>” and select the option “Return values that do not match the filter rules”.

This custom filter will exclude anyone who has a Military or Degree Event or is female. (Not to be sexist, just trying to have fewer search results to sort through.)


In the custom_filters.xml file found in the User Directory, this filter appears as the following:

    <filter name="No Military or Degree" function="or" invert="1">
      <rule class="HasEvent" use_regex="False">
        <arg value="Military Service"/>
        <arg value=""/>
        <arg value=""/>
        <arg value=""/>
        <arg value=""/>
        <arg value="0"/>
      <rule class="HasEvent" use_regex="False">
        <arg value="Degree"/>
        <arg value=""/>
        <arg value=""/>
        <arg value=""/>
        <arg value=""/>
        <arg value="0"/>
      <rule class="IsFemale" use_regex="False">

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