Finding profiles with missing Birth or Death events

Gramps 5.2.2, Win 11:

Is there a tool to search for missing Birth or Death Events in profiles, as well as searching for missing dates when those Events are actually present? I find simple sorting in Person View on Birth Date or on Death Date does not appear to distinguish between Birth Events/Death Events without entries in the date field, vs. entirely absent Birth or Death Events.

Found it easiest to sort all the events by time (on the events tab) and then delete all the empty ones.

You will need to create a Custom Filter in the People, or Grouped People, view.

There are two rules; General filters >> People without a known birth date and one for People without a known death date. You can create separate filters or you can combine them in the same filter. If you combine them, make sure to set the Filter option to At least one rule must apply.

Then it is a simple matter to select the desired filter in the view’s sidebar Filter’s Custom Filter then Find.

NOTE: People that are alive will not have a Death event.

There is a people filter rule Event filters >> People with incomplete events. It returns people with any event that does not have full date information (day, month, year) or is missing an event place.

The problem is restricting that filter to apply to only Death or Birth events.

There may be a way using the advanced Isotammi tool to narrow the filter. I am not a user of this option. Maybe another user can help with this filter.

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