Roadmap for v5.3 (correction: 6.0)

For 5.3
Many of us run a filter in the People view and then work on the records found. This means opening them one at a time, viewing, making changes, saving and then repeating the cycle.
What about adding forward and back arrows on the people view screen.
After opening the first record, you could move up or down the list by forward or back arrow. If a change was made, the standard error window would be displayed allowing you to save, cancel or discard the change. The default would be a save with a click or “enter” keyboard function.
This would save one or two mouse clicks. A keyboard action could be attached to the arrows for those that don’t like using a mouse.

You move Up or Down the list with the Up & Down keyboard keys. The Forward/Back toolbar icons move between entries in the active record history (and the 10 history items in the Go menu).

(There seems to be some inconsistency in the pre-loading of the Go menu. When I open the example.gramps tree, it had the Active Person plus the next 4 in the list added to the Go menu. In some other trees, the list remains empty until navigating between records.)

I find it more efficient to select about 10 records and hit Enter to open a stack of Edit windows. Then process the stack of Edit Windows.

I didn’t think about opening multiple at a time, but doing so might lead to other problems since other windows are also open for editing. Hard enough to keep all the nested windows in order when closing.
I’m suggesting the arrows so the window content just updates and you don’t need the multiple windows open or to close and open a new window.

I open multiple windows to edit only when I am making the same edit to each record. You get the stack of open windows, make the edit, then close and you are presented with the next window ready for the same edit.

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There are still patches that have existed for awhile which haven’t been rolled in.

Examples are listed in:

and in the Hacks tagged discussions.

We could use some volunteers going through and marking MantisBT and Discourse threads where PRs have been committed. (Moderators could remove the “Hack” tags for those that are rolled in.)

Typical for me is that my filter gives me a list of unsourced records. Open and add events and sources, close it and move to the next in the list.

Have you tried the experimental CardView for these kinds Event/Citation addition to multiple people?

It allows drag’n’drop addition without opening the parent Object Editor.

Haven’t used the card view. I use the clipboard as much as possible or drag a citation such as a Census record from another family member. However I don’t find many that can be shared.

Could you add the “Home Place” display modifier for the Place Title to the list? (Feature request 13159)

However, the interface for the Place title controls have been in serious flux since Place hierarchies were implemented in the 4.1 release of Gramps. (See history outline in the wiki)

So, could the Home Place be tied to Place GEPS release rather than specifically 5.3? One comprehensive GUI change instead of a bunch of little ones over several releases.

Add titles to citation similar to titles for sources. This way it’s easier to find a citation by a short title then a long citation string. Plus, when you import a gedcom from say rootsmagic, this field would populate with the citation title used by RM.

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Yes, it could be bundled in with some other place changes.

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How would we use this field? Some examples would be helpful.

Citation titles work nice for articles in a magazine, named records in a database, etc. etc.

Recording the title of an article in a magazine would be useful. The Page/Vol field could be used for this, or perhaps an attribute, but I can see the attraction of a separate field.

Isn’t a named database entry more like an item of interest rather than a title?

The additional columns for the Source Citations tabs have really helped with periodicals/serials/magazine/newspaper citations. Before the Date was shown, it was painful to grasp which article might be a death notice versus an Obituary versus a funeral report.

In theory, yes, and I often use the vol./page field for that too, just like I use it for the title of a page on wikipedia, or on wikitree.

An example of a citation title would like using

Doe, John - Shawnee County, Kansas


Shawnee County, Kansas; population schedule; Topeka; ED 5, sh 1A, dw 23, fm 45; John Doe; digital images, ( : accessed 01 Jan 2024)

So it’s easier to find the citation you want then have to scan through the long volume name for the person.

Would this be more like a searchable abbreviation?

More like a searchable non abbreviation
VOL/Page says exactly what should be in the that field and is clearly
understood by anybody doing genealogical research in the UK.
Can see another configurable item appearing here called “Title”.
I am not saying do not accommodate other systems and cultures just do
not “throw the baby out with the bath water”.
Note this title would not be like place “Title” which can be built from
the place hierarchy Street, City, County, Country so perhaps “Title”
would be misleading

We could call it something like “Item”.