Roadmap for v5.3 (correction: 6.0)

You could use the voting feature ‐ although that just has upvotes an null votes… But you’d have to keep adding to the form. And maybe split off the posting where the idea was introduced to new threads … if the get enough votes. (The reactions on the intro posting could be used to down vote.)

Are you sure? How much do you trust others with your family tree(s)? Suppose another user can only be given either All access or No access. That will satisfy a small subset of situations. Any other approach layers a lot more complexity onto the issue.

For example, suppose an ‘administrator’ needs to review and approve submissions from other users. Just being able to present the proposed changes to the administrator in an understandable format is a non-trivial problem. What if the administrator wants the submitter to explain some portion of the change? How do we inform the submitter if a proposed change is rejected? What process does the administrator go through when making changes to their own tree? Does the admin have to propose and approve their own changes? Do we need to allow other users to review the changes made by others (which may include the administrator)?


I dont know what would would be the way to do it, but that might become a little messy to use the forum, with things being multiple places.
Ideally it would maybe be the same place as where those that look for stuff to help program, goes to find that stuff. I am guessing that is Mantis, but Mantis doesn’t have the feature I dont think.

It might also be something that wouldnt be used as much as it might have been useful if people used it.

Whilst I understand the difference between Monospace and Proportional within the GRAMPS environment I am not sure how much difference it would make to readability but in text based reports there would be a need I suspect to have an alternate font.

Going to have a play with this and see how things look

Please bear in mind I did say this was trivial


What about the scenario where the database is on a NAS and I have 3 PC’s which I use for different purposes and I can then access from any one of those without having a lot of locked database errors or import the latest backup from one to another.
One Administrator and one User Me

Understood. Just wanted to mention the font issue to set expectations.

It would be unfortunate to have a developer tweak to add new date formatters then have user express disappointment when things still don’t line up nicely.

Styling is a frustrating process for coders.

For, instance, I paste the Pedigree gramplet output when corresponding with distant cousins. And it requires adding monospace styling to the diagram unicode in a word processor. (It also looks better with the dates year-only and in smaller point size. And I tend to change the preferred surname to Small Caps styling.)

Because a coder would become infuriated with endless tweaks, I’ve been learning more about styling Gramplet output instead of plain text.

This is not what is being proposed.

A common scenario is as follows - A user puts a Gramps database on the network and accesses data from more than one PC in the house. They start using Gramps upstairs and then forget about the session. Later they open Gramps from a downstairs PC and curse when they get the database lock message.

Then they ask me if it is safe to break the lock. With a BSDDB backend the answer is “No”, but with a SQLite backend it is fairly safe to do so.

It actually turns out that with a few simple changes we can make it safe, and the same changes will actually benefit everyone to some extent.

However, if you want a collaborative solution then Gramps Web is they way to go. We are not planning to put user management into the desktop.


As a quick fix for you, in on line 727, change {day:d} to {day:02d}.

A better solution would be to add a couple of extra date formats. This would be a nice little feature for a new developer.


And the equivalent change in formatting for leading zeroes for numeric months 1 through 9.

The numeric date formats use your locale setting, so you would have to write a new date handler if you wanted something different. That isn’t what was requested though.

Thanks for the input I will give the hack a try and report back

On a report I always find numeric month a bit clumsy but can fully understand it’s use and indeed when writing (pen/pencil) I do use 01/10/1920 form.

I have tried the monospace text option and I see no reason at the moment not to use it in the GRAMPS environment although as you say Brian for reports or passing to others it is not the best.

Nick your description of multi user is spot on, my reason though has come more from having a spare 32" screen I can hook up and have either Graph View or Card View live on that screen whilst working on Data Entry on my system, currently that database is not getting updated and hence is a bit of a faff for regular usage.



Have tried the Hack and it works as expected.
My Normal System Wide Application Font is Ubuntu Regular 12 point
changed to Ubuntu Mono Bold 12pt, with this there is a slight offset
visible with say
01 Jul 1959 and
29 Dec 1959 if they are one below the other in the column but not
and the line spacing changes so not as many lines per view (more scrolling.
My main issue with the Ubuntu Mono maybe with other applications however
I notice that on my System Font Setup there is an option for Fixed Width
Font which by default is Ubuntu Mono Bold not sure if this has any
benefit for application in GRAMPS
The other benefit I see is I use tilde (~) as approx or about in front
of dates I am not 100% certain of
~ 01 Jan 1950 and these now really jump out at me in the columns
Sent for your information

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I’m unable to start a new topic in this category. (Started new topic in Ideas)

I’m happy to help but not sure what to do. Maybe the most useful thing would be for interested users to add notes to the particular feature requests that are important to them.

Besides adding a note, another way users can signify their interest in a request would be to “follow” it. I imagine there must be a way for the developers or administrators to see which requests have the most followers, but I don’t know.

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Sorry to be brutal if my to-do list included 1400 items then I would
CTRL A & Delete
Start again
Unless somebody comes across a spare army of Developers then I would
suggest that in a few years the list will so vast that no one can
comprehend it.


And then there are the 849 open bugs, 183 of which are of severity “major”, “crash”, or “block”. I can’t tell how many of them are already assigned.

That is growing possible.

The Addon Manager in 5.2 is simplifying sharing of Experimental plugins.

And by removing barriers to entry (both for Gramps as a user application, and a development tool), Gramps can recruit to its army.

For instance, a command line (with a few parameters) exists. And it can make compiling a locally residing Addon Manager compatible Project very simple. But because of the difference between how Pthon3 paths are set during installation for Windows, macOS and the various Linux distributions, it is far easier to use on Linux then other OSes.

But if it was wrapped in an addon Tool GUI for the parameters and target, it could work on any Gramps compatible platform.

It could add the local address to the Project list to simplify testing with the Addon Manager. And perhaps if it could make a call to GitHub Desktop to freshen a person Repository, it could simplify sharing with beta testers.

That could make experimenting with tweaking addons painless and relatively low-risk.

The problem here is how many have moved to 5.2 certainly not me I have tried it and some of my long standing hacks do not work and also there appears to be from reading the forum a number of issues which make me doubt the current releases stability.

So I am planning to wait 2 or 3 months then look again. suspect we might be on 5.2.8 by then

All credit to those who write the code but at some point most users have to decide between family history and hacking/writing code and progressing my family history within the boundaries of 5.1.6 is my current priority.

That’s the reason that I’m not attempting to use the feature requests to build a roadmap.

I can get a better feeling of what people want by the feedback I get from users and by reading the forum posts.

For 5.3, performance improvements
Example, in the people view, citation list window, change it so the entire source/citation list does not need to be loaded every time the window is opened.
I think there were a couple of other suggestion made before.