Residual "Spelling" directory created for Windows

Even though the 1st run of Gramps on MS Windows now creates an %LocalAppData%\Local\Enchant folder with blank user dictionaries, it also creates an unused %AppData%\Microsoft\Spelling folder in the Roaming profile.

This seems to be a leftover from the previous SpellCheck libraries.

Tested on a fresh Window10Pro system and 15Sep build of the AIO package.

Since the bug has been confirmed and isolated, a bug report #13031 (Initial run of Gramps creates a Spelling user dictionary directory) has been filed.

Closing this thread as ‘solved’ since tracking is done in MantisBT.

This   %AppData%\Microsoft\Spelling   appears to a be shared or ‘teams’ dictionary for Windows.

Could a macOS user identify the paths for user dictionaries in that OS?

a posting about enchant or hunspell for Emacs suggested:

Information to be integrated in Troublesoot Spellcheck article.

I have a ~/Library/Spelling folder. I do not have a /Library/Spelling folder on my Mac.

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