Posts mentioning Gramps comparisons on r/Genealogy in the last year

r/Genealogy Questions on reddit (search mentioning Gramps)

Best free program that is NOT like gramps?

I’m looking for a free genealogy program but gramps is incredibly difficult. I have been at it for an hour and I cannot even marry my own wife in it. I tried to add a child and that isn’t possible either. How incredibly ridiculous is it that clicking a person’s profile doesn’t give the option to add a spouse? Is there an easier option for software? Thanks.

FTM, RootsMagic, or Gramps?

What is your preference with personal computer tree programs?

Any better free alternative for gramps?

Do you know a better alternative? Thanks.

Webtrees or Gramps?

I would like to start building my family tree and organizing all the information/photos I’ve gathered. I’ve done some research on the best tools for that and I discovered 2, which would fullfill my needs - Webtrees and Gramps.

Do you have any experience with one/both of them and can recommend me which tool to choose? I realise that Gramps is an offline app and webtrees is PHP-based. I’m fine with both since I own my own server.

I’m talking purely about functionality, user-friendliness and possibilities.

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