Persons mentioned in letters

I have found a stash of letters a 100 years old. Providing huge amounts of information. Not only the senders, but many many other names, mostly only given names, that are untraceable. Like ‘Mary sends you hi!’ There is probably no way I will ever find out who Mary was.
So would you enter Mary into Gramps, connect her to sender and source (the letter), connect her to receiver and leave it at that? There are many names to include if I would choose to do so. Names that I also could include only in a note, or just type out the source text.
What would you do?
gramps AIO64-5.1.5-1

I would probably create a Source with a Citation having ToDo Note. That Note would be just an index of the letters. The Citation would go under the Recipient of this collection of letters.

You could add a terse summary for each letter.

If you fully identified the people in a letter, you could move the index entry out of the ToDo note. Use it in as the start of a ”transcription” Note under another citation for that source. Share that citation to all the identified persons.

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