People with citations

How can I show a list of all people that has a citation?

People with a citation attached to the Person’s record?
People with an event with a citation?
People with another object with a citation?
People with a particular citation?

Some individuals have their churchbook record stored in Citation/Gallery.
Now I want to list persons that have churchbook record stored in their Citation/Gallery.

You can create a custom person filter.

The rule that you want is…

Citation/sources filters: People with the <source>

Run this filter in either People sidebar filters and you will have the list of desired people.

Thanks … it works like a Swiss clock.
But how do I list the opposite … people that don’t have citation?

In the list of rules in the filter, at the bottom there are Options. One of them is a check box Return values that do not match the filter rules. In other words, records that are NOT…

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I am impress by Gramps but also impress by the excellent support from you guys …


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